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  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Accounting Department
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


Fatima Muhammad Abu Khrais is one of the faculty members in the department of the College of Economics and Political Science. Mrs. Fatima has been working at the University of Tripoli with the rank of professor since 4/2/2020. She has many scientific publications in her specialty and has been assigned a set of tasks as a faculty member in the college.


Dr. Fatima Muhammad Abu Khrais previously worked as a faculty member in secondary education/Friday Market Education/Al-Izdihar School from 1988-1999, and as a cooperating faculty member in the College of Economics, Department of Accounting during the academic year 1999-2000, and a permanent faculty member in the College of Economics and Political Science/Department Accounting from 2000 until now, Head of the Accounting Department 2003, Faculty member in the Distance Education Program, Faculty of Economics, Accounting Department 2010-2014, Faculty member in the Faculty of Economics, Accounting Department, graduate studies from 2014, Postgraduate Studies Coordinator 2014-2019, and Chairman of the Examination Committee. Admission and differentiation for graduate students 2016, member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Accounting 2010, Chairman of the Scientific Committee for Postgraduate Studies Department of Accounting 2016-2019, and participation in preparing the Accounting Department’s guide for preparing master’s theses prepared by the Scientific Committee for Postgraduate Studies in the Department 2018, and member of the Scientific Committee for Postgraduate Studies College of Economics. and Political Sciences 2016-2019, and coordination with the University of Tripoli Syndicate in holding workshops for postgraduate students and faculty members in the department (INTOSAI standards/preparation of accounting research/scientific research methods [content analysis]) 2016-2019, and Deputy Director of the Center for Economic Research and Studies at the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences 2016, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Economic Research and Studies 2016, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the Faculty of Economics 2023, and the environment coordinator in the Accounting Department 2023 until now, and participating in the discussion committees of many master’s theses as either a supervisor or an internal examiner

Research Interests

•      Environmental accounting.

•      Cost accounting.

•      accounting administration

•      Financial Accounting.

•      Financial audit

•      accounting information systems.

External Activities

In addition to the work of Dr. Within the college, Fatima Muhammad Abu Khrais worked as a consultant in research evaluation for a group of peer-reviewed journals. She also prepared the Master of Accounting program for the Africa University of Humanities and Applied Sciences, and also worked as a trainer in the field of accounting.


Journal Article

فاطمة محمد عبدالسلام ابوخريص (9-2020)
مجلة الجامعي, 32(0), الصفحات 281-304
فاطمة محمد عبدالسلام ابوخريص (1-2020)
مجلة العلوم والتقنية - اولاد علي, 2(0), الصفحات 103-129
فاطمة محمد ابوخريص, رمضان مختار الخراز (9-2020)
مجلة الأفاق العلمية, 2(0), الصفحات 485-509
فاطمة محمد عبدالسلام ابوخريص, أنس تاصر بعرة (3-2018)
مجلة الجامعي, 27(0), الصفحات 188-213
فاطمة محمد عبدالسلام ابوخريص, شاكر مصطفى قناو (3-2020)
مجلة الجامعي, 31(0), الصفحات 149-170