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Prof. mustafa mnea

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Accounting Department
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


Mustafa Elbasher Mnea is one of the staff members at the department of  accounting . He has taught many scientific subjects in the field of specialization, the most important of which are banking accounting course, cost accounting course and   Islamic accounting banking,  and he has many scientific publications in his field of specialization.


one of the staff members at the department of  accounting since 2000, as  assistant lecturer ,than I studied abroad and returned in 2009 , than i was promoted to assistant professor in 2014 and worked in higher graduate studies until i was promoted in 2018 to the rank as associate professor and then i was promoted to the rank of professor in 2022.

Research Interests

My interested areas are an auditing field  and cost accounting and in general how  to make a good  research is my favorite course is to be educated.

External Activities

One of the editorial board of accounting studies journal since 2018. This journal has been issued by the syndicate of Libyan accountants. Also, i have been working as a chartered accountant since 1997 until now .