Prof. Ali Sayah

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Business Administration Management
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


Ali Sayah is a faculty member in the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Tripoli. Mr. Ali Sayah has been working at the University of Tripoli as a member of the faculty since 1-4-2001 and he obtained a professor's degree on 19-1-2020 and has many scientific publications in his field of specialisation.


The first appointment of Dr.Ali Sayah was on 20/5/1987

At the national institute of management to 1/4/2001 , Where he moved to the university of Tripoli ,the faculty of economics and political science.

He was assigned the duties of the dean of the faculty of accounting of the university of Tripoli from 2000 to 2003

He was assigned the duties of the head of the finance and banking department at the faculty of economics from 2005 to 2008

He was assigned the tasks of the head of the administration department in 2008

And assigned to the functions of the coordinator of the graduate studies departmentOf the depoint of edministration at the faculty of economics

Research Interests

Dr. Sayah focusses on teaching business administration courses and marketing science, in which he holds a master's degree as a second specialisation. This is why he is the academical supervision of master's and doctoral theses in these fields. He has many published researches and scientific papers.

External Activities

Dr. Ali Sayah contributed to restructuring and developing the requirements of the bachelor's in business administration in the national cradle of management, and he also taught and supervised master's and doctoral thes's theses in a number of government universities, the Academy of Graduate Studies in Tripoli, Misrata, the University of the Western Mountain (Gharyan), Al-Zawiya University, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and the Academy of Security Studies. He also participated in the supervision and evaluation of doctoral theses in Malaysia, the European University of Nicosia and Damascus University. Dr. Sayah contributed to the follow-up and evaluation of the performance of public companies from 2003 to 2005 and was selected as one of the members of the economic team at the level of Libya 2007.


Journal Article

علي السائح محمد السائح (10-2019)
مجلة الليبية للعلوم الانسانية والتطبيقية, الصفحات 200-223