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Prof. Attia Salem

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Business Administration Management
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


Dr. Attia Salem, a faculty member in the Department of Business Administration at the College of Economics and Political Science, works as a professor. Attia Salem at the University of Tripoli, with the degree of ( Professor ) and has many scientific publications in his field of specialization. He assumed many of the following tasks :

  • University faculty member.
  • Faculty member in the graduate program in the Department of Business Administration.
  • Head of the Department of E-Commerce and Data Analysis at the College during the period (2006 - 2008 AD)
  • Head of the Library Affairs Department at the college during the period (2008 - 2014 AD)
  • Assistant Secretary of the Faculty Syndicate at the Faculty of Economics - University of Tripoli during the period (2006 - 2011 AD.)
  • Chairman of the Central Committee for Distance Education at the University of Tripoli during the year 2012 AD.
  • Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Graduate Studies Program in the Department of Business Administration. Since 2022 AD.
  • Member of the Graduate Studies Committee at the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences at the University of Tripoli since 2022 AD.
  • Member of the Administrative Guide Review Committee for Postgraduate Studies and Teaching Assistants at the University, since January 2024 AD.


The academic and scientific professional career sequence is as follows:

  • I was appointed as a faculty member at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at the University of Tripoli with the academic rank of “ Assistant Lecturer ” as of December 2004 AD.
  • I was promoted to the academic rank of “ lecturer ” as of December 2008 AD.
  • I was promoted to the academic rank of “ Assistant Professor ” as of December 2012 AD.
  • I was promoted to the academic rank of “ Associate Professor ” as of December 2016 AD.
  • I was promoted to the academic rank of “ Professor ” as of April 2021 AD.

Research Interests

My professional and scientific interests focus on business administration in general, and specifically in the development and management of human resources, as well as crisis and emergency management. Management and formation of small and medium enterprises in the industrial and production sector.

External Activities

Scientific, administrative, and technical work and activities were carried out outside the university, related to and related to my scientific and professional qualifications and specialization, which are : 

  • He is a member of scientific committees as an external examiner to discuss and evaluate bachelor’s theses in Libyan universities and the Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies in Tripoli.
  • Member of the Private Higher Education Committee in the Tripoli region to evaluate and follow up on private universities, formed by the General People’s Committee for Higher Education and Scientific Research, during the period ( 2006-2011 AD )
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for comparison and evaluation of applicants for the position of faculty member at the Faculty of Economics at Al-Marqab University. In December 2020 AD.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Economics, Management and Commercial Sciences, Mohamed Boudiaf University - Algeria. Since 2020 AD.
  • Director of the Commercial Department at the Arab Company for Beverage Manufacturing and Packaging. During the period ( 1990-2003 AD )
  • Economic advisor to the Arab Company for Beverage Manufacturing and Bottling during the period ( 2003-2005 AD ).


Conference paper

أ.د.عطيه عبدالواحد سالم (11-2005)
كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية جامعة طرابلس, 4(0), الصفحات 140-161
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم (4-2006)
المعهد الوطني للإدارة - ليبيا
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم (6-2006)
مركز البحوث الاقتصادية - جامعة قاريونس
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم (7-2008)
المنظمة العربية للتنمية الإدارية - دمشق
ا.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم (6-2009)
المنظمة العربية للتنمية الإدارية - تونس
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم (12-2010)
المؤتمر العربي الأول في إدارة وتنمية الموارد البشرية في القطاع العام - المنظمة العربية للتنمية الإدارية - القاهرة.
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم (12-2012)
الملتقى العربي الثالث حول المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة - المنظمة العربية للتنمية الإدارية - شرم الشيخ - مصر
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم (4-2013)
المؤتمر العربي الأول حول رأس المال الفكري - المنظمة العربية للتنمية الإدارية - سلطنة عمّان
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم (12-2013)
الملتقى العربي الأول حول دور الشباب في التنمية - المنظمة العربية للتنمية الإدارية - بغداد - العراق

Journal Article

أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم, أ.د. محمد علي يونس (1-2010)
مجلة الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية - جامعة طرابلس, 7(0), الصفحات 143-182
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم, أ. سالم مفتاح بن نجمة (9-2015)
مجلة الليبية للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية - الجامعة الليبية للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 2(0), الصفحات 188-217
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم سالم (10-2017)
مجلة الليبية للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية - الجامعة الليبية للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 5(0), الصفحات 87-122
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم, أ. سالم مفتاح بن نجمة (10-2020)
مجلة الليبية للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية - الجامعة الليبية للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 11(0), الصفحات 41-75
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم (12-2020)
مجلة الاقتصاد وإدارة الأعمال - جامعة احمد دراية - الجزائر., 2(4), الصفحات 74-99
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم (12-2020)
مجلة الأصيل للبحوث الاقتصادية والإدارية - جامعة عباس لغرور - الجزائر, 2(4), الصفحات 74-101
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم (3-2021)
مجلة جامعة عين زارة للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية - طرابلس - ليبيا. , الصفحات 128-165
أ.د. عطيه عبدالواحد سالم (3-2021)
مجلة الدراسات المالية والمحاسبية والإدارية - الجزائر, 8(1), الصفحات 28-51