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  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Financing and Banking
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2020


tama taklifi baed mahama 'akadimiat watadris almiqrarat aleilmiat fi majal altakhasus

- منسق الجودة بقسم المالية والمصرفية 2020/2021 - عضو لجنة إعداد البرنامج الأكاديمي لكلية العلوم الإدارية والمالية جامعة طرابلس قسم ج

- المقررات الدراستية التي قمت بتدريسها:-

مبادي التمويل / الإدارات المالية / الاسواق المالية / ملية الشركات / ملية الشركات المتقدمة / مبادي المصاريف / المعاملات المصريفية / تقييم


After obtaining a master’s degree in finance and banking from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, University of Tripoli, in January 2015. - I was assigned to teach some courses as a collaboration (a non-tenured faculty member) from the fall semester of 2015 until the fall semester of 2019. -A permanent faculty member was appointed at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Al-Zaytouna University, in September 2016, to the rank of assistant lecturer. Transfer procedures were taken from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Al-Zaytouna University, to work at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, University of Tripoli, during the month of November 2019. -I was promoted to the position of lecturer during September 2020

Research Interests

Research interests in several areas related to specialization / finance / banking / investment / financial markets / corporate finance / finance and real estate investment.

External Activities

I was seconded by decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to work in the Human Resources Development Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation as a financial expert, starting from the beginning of March 2023 AD until March 2024 AD. Collaborator at the Libyan Center for Strategic Studies and National Security


Journal Article

شرف الدين خليل البي حسين, بشير خليفة بشير الفزاني, سمير حسين البشير موسى (3-2019)
دراسات محاسبية , 333(0)
شرف الدين خليل البي حسين, وليد رمضان علي سالم, صبري ضو طالب (9-2021)
مجلة المعرفة, الصفحات 73-92