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Prof. Zayid Saeid

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Political science
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


PhD. Zayid Obaydallah Misbah Saeid assumed the role of academic teaching in the Department of Political Science at the University of Tripoli at both the undergraduate and master's levels. He taught courses in foreign policy, comparative foreign policy, diplomacy, international politics, international public opinion, and international organization. He also supervised a number of master's theses and participated in master's thesis discussion committees. He also worked on providing students with framing spaces in the skill of political analysis and the art of public speaking in its written and oral aspects.

He was the head of the exams supervision and monitoring committee in 1997.

He was the coordinator of graduate studies in the Department of Political Science in 2009.


  1. Teaching Assistant from 1985 to 1992.
  2. Lecturer from 1992 to 1995.
  3. Assistant Professor from 1995 to 1998.
  4. Associate Professor from 1998 to 2014.
  5. Professor from 2014 to present.

Research Interests

Research in the field of international relations in general and foreign policy in particular. And the study and analysis of leadership and diplomatic figures, the field of cultural policies, and the relationship between political science and other fields of knowledge. And the field of analyzing local and international public opinion.

External Activities

Participation in research and working papers in a number of scientific conferences at the Arab and African level. And participation in research teams in the field of political science.


Conference paper

زايد عبيدالله مصباح (4-2004)
المؤتمر الرابع للجمعية الأردنية للعلوم السياسية

Journal Article

زايد عبيدالله مصباح (9-2014)
مجلة المستقبل العربي، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية, 427(0), الصفحات 99-115
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (9-2012)
مجلة المستقبل العربي، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية, 403(0), الصفحات 67-85
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (1-2003)
مجلة دراسات - المركز العالمي لدراسات وأبحاث الكتاب الأخضر, 13(0), الصفحات 39-57
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (10-1998)
مجلة المستقبل العربي، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية, 236(0), الصفحات 27-39


زايد عبيدالله مصباح, حنان معمر أبوعجيله العبانى (12-2022)
دار الحكمة طرابلس
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (1-1994)
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (1-1999)
دار الرواد / دار الجيل
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (1-2002)
دار الرواد
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (1-2023)
دار الرواد
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (1-1997)
الجامعة الأردنية

Book Chapter

زايد عبيدالله مصباح (1-2017)
منشورات دار الروافد الثقافية، وابن النديم للنشر والتوزيع
زايد عبيدالله مصباح (1-2004)
منشورات جامعة طرابلس