• َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Arabic Language
  • faculty of Education Tripoli



All since 2019


Ali Suleiman Al-Zoubi Ali Suleiman Al-Zoubi is a faculty member in the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies at the College of Education, Tripoli. He teaches postgraduate studies in both departments (Master’s and PhD) in Libyan universities. In addition to supervising master’s and doctoral dissertations, he has research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and posts At local and international scientific conferences, he has two books published in his field of specialization in the principles of jurisprudence, which benefit the seeker of knowledge and enrich the library of the university institution to which he belongs.

BA in 1986 from the Faculty of Education / Al-Fateh University, Tripoli now, in Arabic language and Islamic studies.

Master's degree in 1996 from the Faculty of Arts / the seventh of April / Al-Zawiya, majoring in Sharia.

Ph.D. 17/1/2005 from Dar Al Uloom, Minia University / Arab Republic of Egypt, with a specialization in Fundamentals of Jurisprudence.


A secondary school teacher at Asad Al-Thughour Secondary School, Tripoli 1986-1996, then a faculty member and moved to the Higher Institute for Teachers Preparation, Tripoli, then the institute was transferred to the College of Education, Tripoli since 1996.

Head of the teacher department for the semester 2006/2009.

Head of the Study and Examinations Department, Faculty of Education, Tripoli 2010-2013.

Head of the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies - College of Education, Tripoli, 2015-2016, 2019-2022.

Editor-in-Chief of the College of Education Journal / College of Education, Tripoli 2021- Ongoing.

Research Interests

ت.Authoring a book (The Concept of Dissent Among Fundamentalists and Its Impact on Jurisprudence) Publishing Year 2017 and the Publishing Authority, the Association of Libyan Scholars.

Authoring the book (Reflection on the Ruling on Increasing the Degrees of the Minbar) Publishing Year 2017 The Publishing Authority Dar Zuhal, Tripoli, at the expense of the author.

External Activities

Chairman of the Conference on Interpretation in Sharia, Linguistic and Literary Studies, held at the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, College 2021.

Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Conference on Religious Identity held at the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion at Al Asmariya University, Zliten 2022.

Preacher and preacher in the mosques of Tripoli from 2006-2020 AD

Member of the Curriculum Preparation Committee at the Ministry of Education from 2012 to 2021.

Editor-in-Chief of Al-Moallem Al-Ghad newspaper, issued by the college, from its inception in 2007 until it was discontinued in 2008.

Member of the curricula preparation and development committees, Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, Tripoli.

Director of the Research and Studies Office of the Association of Libyan Scholars.


Conference paper

أ.د. علي سليمان الزوبي (1-2009)
مجلة كلية دار العلوم المنيا, 1(2009)

Journal Article

أ.د. علي سليمان الزوبي (1-2008)
مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
أ.د. علي سليمان الزوبي (1-2008)
مجلة السائل, 1(2008)
أ.د. علي سليمان الزوبي (1-2009)
مجلة كلية الآداب جامعة طرابلس, 1(2009)


أ.د. علي سليمان محمد الزوبي (1-2014)