Department of

Word Of the Head Department of

"Teachers who make physics boring are criminals."- Walter LewinPhysics is a science that has a long arm in many sciences, if not all of them. Wherever we turn, we find that this science has a role to play in engineering, medicine, information technology, and even in other sciences such as mathematics, biology, and chemistry.What is clear to us at this time is that the science of physics suffers from two things. The first is a weakness in conveying a good and enjoyable image of it, and the second is a weak interest and a significant reluctance to study and learn it. What we find in books and libraries is much greater than what is in the minds of learners, unfortunately.What we want to highlight here is that a great burden falls on the shoulders of the physics teacher, and this is what we strive for in the Physics Department at the Faculty of Education / Tripoli by simplifying and facilitating the understanding of physics by activating experiments and practical applications in the curricula and elementary classes. This cornerstone saves high school and university teachers and students a lot of effort in clarification, and this is one of the clear weaknesses that we are determined to strengthen.And Allah is the giver of success.Head of the Physics Department.


"Raising the level of graduates so that they can successfully fulfill their teaching mission, contributing to the advancement of the country, through a technically and scientifically advanced department."


"Creating a suitable environment that helps unleash the potential in students as well as faculty members, enabling them to create a scientific atmosphere that pushes them all to collaborate in order to enhance the students' abilities and build them scientifically and professionally for the advancement of the country and its citizens."


The aim is to academically, pedagogically, and professionally qualify graduates to become successful teachers.• Provide students with precise and comprehensive knowledge of physics concepts.• Equip students with various skills in the field of physics through teamwork.• Familiarize graduates with the rapid scientific advancements in physics and encourage them to keep up with these developments.• Teach students how to bridge the gap between theory and application.• Provide students with modern and advanced teaching methods in the field of physics.• Foster an environment and work relationships that promote a sense of belonging to the department, college, and community.• Establish and promote principles, concepts, and practices of quality among department members.• Make maximum use of the capabilities provided by modern technology and information technology to develop cognitive and research abilities in the field of physics and its teaching methods.

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