Department of Web Technologies

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About Department of Web Technologies

The Internet Technologies Department focuses on preparing a new generation of software designers and developers, as well as website administrators, to use modern technologies in programming, developing internet applications, and managing websites. All of this is done to meet the increasing needs of Libyan institutions in this field at this stage of building Libya and the demands of the job market.

The department was opened in the fall semester of 2014. This description was prepared based on quality standards, taking into account local and international institutional and programmatic accreditation requirements. To ensure the preparation of graduates with advanced skills who have the ability to compete locally and globally, specialized institutional sources were consulted in developing the internet technologies curriculum, such as the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and IEEE. The result will be the graduation of internet technology developers with international standard qualifications, which will enable them to continue their higher education locally and internationally and compete to obtain the highest international certificates from specialized global companies such as Oracle and Microsoft.

Facts about Department of Web Technologies

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff






Bachelor - Web Technologies

The Department of Internet Technologies is concerned with qualifying and preparing a new generation of software and website designers and developers to use modern technologies in programming, developing Internet applications, and managing websites. All this comes to meet the growing needs of the Libyan institutions in this field at this stage of building Libya and the needs of the labor market....


Who works at the Department of Web Technologies

Department of Web Technologies has more than 7 academic staff members

staff photo

Mr. Ahmed Ali Sadegh Elhoni