Faculty of Information Technology

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About Faculty of Information Technology

Faculty of Information Technology

The Faculty of Information Technology is one of the most recent faculties at the University of Tripoli, as it was established in pursuant to the former General People's Committee for Higher Education Decision No. 535 of 2007 regarding the creation of Information Technology Faculties in the main universities in Libya.


Upon its establishment, the Faculty consisted of three departments: Computer Networks Department, Computer Science Department and Software Engineering Department. It now includes five departments: Mobile Computing Department, Computer Network Department, Internet Technologies Department, Information Systems Department and Software Engineering Department.


The Faculty’s study system follows the open semester system by two (Fall and Spring) terms per year. The Faculty began to actually accept students and teach with the beginning of the Fall semester 2008. It grants a specialized (university) degree in information technology in any of the aforementioned disciplines. Obtaining the degree requires the successful completion of at least 135 credit hours. Arabic is the language of study in the college, and English may be also used alongside it. It takes eight semesters to graduate from the Faculty if Information Technology.


The Faculty aspires to open postgraduate programs in the departments of computer networks and software engineering in the near future.

Facts about Faculty of Information Technology

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff





Faculty of Information Technology Announcements

More Annuncements


Bachelor - Mobile Computing

Mobile computing is one of the most recent majors in the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Tripoli, and one of the latest trends in...

Bachelor - Computer Networks

Bachelor of Science in Computer Networking, this degree is a 135 credit undergraduate program which prepares you for a career in data communications between...

Bachelor - Information Systems

The Department of Information Systems is concerned with how information technology is used, practiced and applied in all service and technical fields....


Who works at the Faculty of Information Technology

Faculty of Information Technology has more than 58 academic staff members

staff photo