The fifth meeting of the College of Information Technology

The fifth meeting of the College of Information Technology Council for the year 2023 was held on Sunday, November 12, under the leadership of the college dean, Dr. Radwan Hussein. The meeting was attended by the college's deputy dean, Dr. Hala Al-Sha'ary, as well as the heads of scientific departments, directors of graduate studies and faculty affairs offices, the quality department, the research department, the college registrar, the director of administrative affairs, and the faculty union president. Additionally, the college student union was invited to attend.

The council discussed the topic of the faculty members' sit-in and deliberated on the overall situation of the scientific and administrative components of the college to assess the current status of the college's resources and needs.

Key decisions made by the council include:

- Emphasizing the need to expedite the completion of graduation certificates for the graduates of the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters.

- Utilizing the period of the study suspension to enhance the appropriate educational environment for the college students.

- Deciding to celebrate the graduation of cohorts from Spring 2018 to Spring 2023 before the end of the current year 2023.
