Department of Spanish Language

Word Of the Head Department of Spanish Language

    In recent years, the Spanish Language Department has been witnessing a new organizational phase that includes all administrative, scientific and academic aspects, represented in the organization of administrative work and the distribution of administrative tasks on the one hand, and the reassessment and development of curricula and study programs and the use of modern teaching aids on the other hand, to raise the academic level of our students and help to involve them In the field of practical research, thus achieving one of the goals for which the Spanish Language Department was established 32 years ago, which is to prepare a cadre of graduates qualified to engage in advanced studies and practically prepared to engage in the labor market. All thanks and appreciation to my fellow faculty members in the department for their efforts, as well as our students, whose presence and desire to engage in this field of language and their keenness on their department, we draw from them strength and determination to move forward to achieve the goals for which we came.


    Enjoy learning the Spanish language, teach it in the future and achieve educational quality through advanced and modern academic programs, cognitive activities and multiple skills.


  • Emphasizing the importance of studying language, culture, civilization and literature in society.
  • Enriching academic and research studies at the university in particular and in Libya in general.
  • Connect with other disciplines in the social, human and applied sciences.


  • Providing various educational and cultural services that meet the student's needs and capabilities, and educating him about the diversity of the linguistic system through studying in various fields.
  • Enabling the student to learn about modern language sciences, including the history of the Spanish language, its phonetics, grammar, usage and methods, as well as celebrating literary studies, applied language sciences, linguistic theories and translation.
  • Encourage authorship, research, and science in the fields of linguistics, translation, and literary and critical studies, and work to hold training courses and various educational and scientific meetings.
  • Providing technical and practical advice in the field of teaching the Spanish language and translation from and to it.
  • Strengthening the links between the college and community institutions by offering academic programs and specialized courses that contribute to raising the competence of community members in the field of the Spanish language in line with the goals of development plans.
Organizational Structure for Department of Spanish Language

Facts about Department of Spanish Language

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



