Department of Psychology
More ...About Department of Psychology
The Department of Education and Psychology was founded in 1965 at the Faculty of Education, the Libyan University. IT was a service department that provides the educational and psychological materials required for educational and rehabilitation at the Faculty of Education. In 1997-98, the department has become one of the Faculty of Arts departments, after the merger of the Faculty of languages and the Faculty of Education together.
Facts about Department of Psychology
We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community
Academic Staff
PhD - Educational Psychology/Psychology Division
The program offers teaching units over the course of two semesters and the student submits a thesis in which he links the principles and concepts he has...
DetailsPhD - Education and Psychology/Educational Administration Division
The educational administration program offers courses that will raise the applicant’s academic skills in the field of educational leadership. The program...
DetailsPhD - Education & Psychology / Education Foundations Branch
The program provides the education courses related to education thought, comparative education and education foundations for two semesters to achieve ...
DetailsWho works at the Department of Psychology
Department of Psychology has more than 25 academic staff members

Ms. Fatma Mohamed Milad Elgharari
Fatma Elgharari is one of the staff members at the department of 9 faculty of 13. He is working as a since 2009-01-15. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.