Digital Repository for Department of Microbiology

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Tarek Gibreel (1-2008)
British Society for Antimicrobial Cehmotherapy, .
Tarek Gibreel (2-2002)
jamahiriya medical journal, 2(2002), pp. 52-54.
El-Buni A., Jabeal I., BenDarif E. (1-2000)
, 6(0), pp. 884-887.
El-Buni A, Badereddin Bashir Annajar, Zaatour A., Elloulu Bendarif, Refai A, Ftaiti A, Riadh Benismail (1-2000)
, 6(0), pp. 257-260.
Tarek Gibreel (1-2000)
9th International Congress of Infectious Diseases, .