General Stage

Word Of the Head General Stage

Praise be to God, who taught with the pen, taught man what he did not know, and prayers and peace be upon those who called and taught and the best teacher known to humanity, our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and upon his family and companions and those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment. Allow me, dear visitors, to greet you and welcome you on behalf of the General Materials Department.


The Department of General Subjects at the College of Physical Education and Science at the University of Tripoli hopes, through the teaching and administrative staff in the scientific departments, to achieve more achievements that will have an impact on the nation’s renaissance. As a department, college and university, we always look to the future with ambition in order to reach the state’s vision by implementing academic curricula with purposeful visions, attracting student competencies capable of creating the future, and managing work with control and stability in the labor market. Holds the Faculty of Physical Education and Science at the University of Tripoli


The message of the Department of General Subjects at the College of Physical Education and Science at the University of Tripoli to our students, its content is summed up in the values of science and morals, including the accompanying activities towards rooting and empowering this lofty message, which in turn reflects the message of the wise leadership in this blessed country.


Objectives of the General Subjects Department at the Faculty of Physical Education and Science at the University of Tripoli. It revolves around the following points:

1. Establishing students and developing their skills: The department plays a vital role in establishing students and developing their skills.

2. Enhancing English language skills: The department focuses on enhancing English language skills.

3. Providing a knowledge base in basic mathematical sciences: The department provides skills and materials in the fields of mathematics and statistics.

4. Developing professional and soft skills: The department seeks to develop professional and soft skills that help students interact effectively in the labor market and improve communication with others.

Organizational Structure for General Stage

Facts about General Stage

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community



