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Prof. Khaled Abuzayan

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Training
  • Faculty of Physical and Sport Sciences {PESPS}



All since 2019


Khaled Abu Zayan has been working as a professor since 08/09/2021. He teaches several subjects in his specialty and has many publications in his field of interest. Khaled is a professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Tripoli. He works full-time as a professor in the training department in the field of biomechanics and movement analysis, as well as a researcher in these subjects, a supervisor of a number of graduates, and a lecturer. He has regular publications in international scientific journals and conferences inside and outside Libya. Khaled supervised many scientific theses in postgraduate studies, and currently works as an academic reviewer for promotional research in some universities in Libya. He has had many presentations and courses as a consultant since 2012 on the Mendeley program for managing research and citations, and the courses were held in many universities, such as the University of Tripoli, the Libyan Graduate Academy, the University of Misrata, Gharyan University, research centers, and several scientific entities via electronic communication platforms. Partner in the Biomechanics Revolution Team, Liverpool John Moores University, UK 2006/2010. He is the head of the advanced (creativity) team for the national scientific research project at the University of Tripoli. Khaled has been the director of the college’s documentation and information office and the college’s website since March 2022


The year 2002 was the year of obtaining the scientific qualification for the high degree "Master" and was awarded the scientific degree "Assistant Lecturer" and sent to study the exact degree "PhD", which he obtained in 2010 from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the Faculty of Science at John Moores University School of sport and exercise sciences, Faculty of science, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. He obtained the degree as a lecturer, and after publishing many local and international research and participations, he obtained the degree of assistant professor, as well as many papers in which he obtained the degree of associate professor in 2017. He obtained the current degree as a professor in 2021 after publishing refereed research papers.   

Research Interests

For several years, Khaled has worked on publishing research in Libya and abroad, as well as academic supervision in several diverse fields in the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, in the following areas: biomechanics, kinesiology, and movement analysis, in addition to statistics in scientific research, citation in scientific research, and methodology in science. sports

External Activities

  • Khaled participated in many local and international entities, from conferences and scientific committees to members of a variety of activities, most of which are in the field of sports science, including in the past and ended as a member of the Biomechanics Revolution team between 2006-2010 at Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, United Kingdom, and the current ones are as follows:
  • Secretary-General of the Arab Society for Biomechanics and Motor Behavior from November 2021 until January 2023, then he was elected President of the Supreme Council of the Arab Society for Motor Behavior since January 2024, Vice Chairman of the Development Committee of the Sports Council of the Organization of the African Union since 2021 until now, Member of the Sports Council of the African Union since 2021 until now, and Member of the project to map Africa mathematically announced in 2022 It is being discussed by the Sports Council of the African Union so far, as well as the Deputy Minister or Ambassador of the International Association of Physical Education and Sports Listed (IAPES). Also, vice president of The African Union Sports Council Technical Committee on Sport for Development. Chair and external examiner for master's degree dissertation at the School of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • In addition to academic cooperation (teaching, supervision and discussion) with many scientific institutions in the country, east of Benghazi University, center of Misrata University, west of Zawiya University, Gharyan University, the Higher Institute of Health Abu Salim and the Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies, Khaled has presented several international lectures and workshops at universities in Iraq and Algeria, as well as through the Arab Society for Motor Behavior as a host of scientific activities, whether as Secretary General of the Society or as Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Society.
  • Publications

    Conference paper

    Khaled Jebril Mustafa Abuzayan, Hadhom Mohamed Mansoor Alabed (4-2014)
    World A cademy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, WASET, 5(8), pp. 278-287
    Khaled Jebril Mustafa Abuzayan (5-2013)
    World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , 84(4), pp. 643-653
    Khaled Jebril Mustafa Abuzayan, Hadhom Mohamed Mansoor Alabed (5-2014)
    World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 8(5), pp. 293-301
    Khaled Jebril Mustafa Abuzayan, Hadhom Mohamed Mansoor Alabed (5-2013)
    International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation , 7(5), pp. 1174-1183
    خالد جبريل مصطفى ابوزيان, حدهم محمد منصور العابد (10-2017)
    لمؤتمر العلمي الثاني لكلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة
    Hadhom Mohamed Mansoor Alabed, Khaled Jebril Mustafa Abuzayan (5-2014)
    International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering , 8(5), pp. 278-287
    Khaled Jebril Mustafa Abuzayan, Hadhom Mohamed Mansoor Alabed (2-2020)
    World A cademy of Science, Engineering, and Technology, WASET, 3(5), pp. 1196-1212

    Journal Article

    حدهم محمد منصور العابد, خالد جبريل مصطفى ابوزيان (10-2017)
    لمؤتمر العلمي الثاني لكلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة, الصفحات 18-26

    PhD Thesis

    Khaled Jebril Abuzayan (4-2010)
    Liverpool John Moores University

    Master Thesis
