Syndicate of Academic Staff

Word Of the President of Syndicate of Academic Staff

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, our Master and Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions, and may peace be upon him greatly.

I would like to begin by offering my sincere thanks and great gratitude to all the colleagues who attended the College Syndicate Council election session and gave me and my colleagues in the Syndicate Council their dearest regards. Thanks go to the dear colleagues in the previous Syndicate Council for all their efforts. I also cannot fail to thank the colleagues in the College Council who contributed to the success of the electoral process.

That union work is regulated by laws and regulations that weave and organize the relationship between unions and government institutions, starting with college, university, and other institutions, and that these laws and regulations are old and do not meet the needs of this stage and need to be reconsidered by (the legislative authority) so that unions can accomplish their tasks and reformulate the relationship between them. And among government institutions, the union also needs to correct the conditions of the University Syndicate Council and the General Syndicate as well. In addition to our basic tasks of defending the rights of faculty members and developing programs to raise the skills and competencies of faculty members, the union will be an essential support for the College Council in all its academic and administrative programs and providing service to the local community and to all institutions of the sports, educational, and health community. We will strive to accomplish what God grants us success. There are tasks that have been placed on us since we accepted this mission, which have a combative nature. We will do everything we can to achieve the goals of the union. The union will also work to raise the level of faculty members in terms of increasing their level of interaction with union work programs in defending rights and improving the educational environment that... It will improve the level of awareness of union work and make faculty members comfortable in completing their tasks.

I ask success and prosperity for everyone

May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you


The union is interested in providing all communication solutions that contribute to addressing obstacles for all faculty members in the college. This website was created to be a bridge of communication, providing services, and sharing activities and announcements that are of interest to faculty members. We welcome all your opinions, inquiries, and suggestions.


We seek to improve the professional and legal conditions of faculty members and translate ideas into programs and activities to raise the level of competencies and skills of faculty members so that they can contribute to developing programs and strategies to advance society under the umbrella of the union, restore the spirit to the union, and activate its union and cultural role, in light of the effective participation of members. The teaching staff participates in all union work activities


1. Defending the rights of its members and protecting their professional interests.

2. Raising the professional competence of members and raising their professional, scientific and cultural levels.

3. Maintaining the profession, loyalty to it, and pride in it.

4. Revealing innovations and scientific competencies to achieve their desired goals.

5. Consolidating relations with international and regional organizations related to the profession.

6. Holding scientific conferences and seminars at all local and international levels and activating their work and participating in them when they are held.

7. The union’s participation with the education sector and relevant authorities in developing draft laws and regulations that are of interest to the profession and its members.

8. Encouraging scientific writing and research to serve local and humanitarian issues and solve their scientific, economic and social problems.

9. Follow up on the implementation of the union’s recommendations with the college and university administration.

10. Encouraging volunteer work in service to the country and the citizen.

11. Strengthening faculty and staff relationships with each other and facilitating the communication process between faculty members and staff.

Organizational Structure for Syndicate of Academic Staff