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Prof. Kamal Elaswed

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Physical Education (Teaching)
  • Faculty of Physical and Sport Sciences {PESPS}



All since 2019


.Professor Dr. Kamal Al-Aswad has been working as a professor since September 2, 2014. He teaches several subjects in his field of specialization and has many publications in his field of interest. Kamal Al-Aswad is a professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Tripoli. He works full-time in the Teaching Department, and has been head of the department since 2018. He studies many subjects in the field of teaching methods and evaluation, as well as a researcher in these subjects, supervises many scientific theses, and has many regular publications in the fields. He also works as an academic reviewer and evaluator of scientific theses


Dr. Kamal Al-Aswad has been working at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences since 1991 AD, when he completed his bachelor’s degree studies. Then he was appointed as a teaching assistant in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods in 1994 AD. He obtained a master’s degree in 1997 AD, then embarked on a scientific trip to the State of Egypt to study the doctoral stage, and in 2007 he obtained the degree. Scientific education and obtained a doctorate degree in the philosophy of physical education. Then he returned to the department in 2002 AD to be the department’s rapporteur. He was head of the student admission committee for the bachelor’s degree in 2001-2002 and head of the field training unit - practical education in 2002-2003 AD. Head of the physical education department teaching from 2008-2015 and also Head of the department from 2018 to the present time. He is a professor of teaching methods for the bachelor’s level and a professor of evaluation for the master’s level. He has supervised many scientific theses for the master’s and doctoral levels.

Research Interests

Kamal Al-Aswad is interested in many research fields, and his interests mainly focus on evaluation in physical education and setting standards and foundations by which to evaluate the sports curriculum in schools. He has many research interests in teaching methods, curricula, teaching methods, and programs in physical education and field training - practical education and methods strategies. Modern teaching

External Activities

Professor Dr. Kamal Al-Aswad participated in many local and international entities, including scientific conferences and committees, and a member of forums and conferences whose main roles are in the field of physical education and sports sciences. We mention among them a member of the technical committee in the Arab Ministers of Sports Conference - Libya in 2000, a member of the International Council for Health, Education, Recreation, Sports and Expression. Movement for the Middle East Organization - Cairo 2008 - 2011, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Conference on the Sciences and Techniques of Physical Activities and Sports, National Sports Observatory, Tunisia 2015, Member of the Scientific Committee for the First Conference at the Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Marqab University 2018, Member of the Supreme Committee for the Third International Conference at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - Libya in 2020, Chairman of the Comparison and Admission Committee for Faculty Members of the College of Physical Education, Al-Marqab Al-Khams University, in 2020 AD.


Conference paper

كمال رمضان الأسود, عادل سالم الزيتوني, ميرفت علي خفاجة (10-2013)
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الاول لكلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة, الصفحات 27-38
د.مجدي ابوبكر حمزة , د. زكية كامل ابراهيم , د. كمال رمضان الاسود (4-2016)
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الرياضي الثاني المرصد الوطني للرياضة, الصفحات 525-540
د.مجدي ابوبكر حمزة , د.كمال رمضان الاسود , د. زكية كامل ابراهيم (4-2015)
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الاول حول علوم وتقنيات الانشطة البدنية والرياضية, الصفحات 68-86
كمال رمضان الأسود , زكية ابراهيم كامل , ناجي قاسم سلامة (4-2017)
جامعة طرابلس, 1(1), الصفحات 30-50