Dr. soad elkomsi

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Social Work
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019



Dr. Suad Saeid Al-Khumsi a faculty member in the Department of Social Work at the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, as an assistant professor. Mrs. Suad Saeid Al-Khumsi has been working since 1992 at the University of Tripoli as a field training supervisor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tripoli. She currently serves as the coordinator of studies and exams at the Department of Social Work, Swani Branch, and through her role, she participated in the preparation of the Faculty of Arts, Swani Branch system regarding the Department of Social Work from 2008 to 2023. She also contributed to the inclusion of results of some departments as she previously held the position of coordinator of studies and exams at the branch for several years. She also supervised the Social Service Office at the branch and has numerous scientific publications in her field of specialization.


Professional Career:

Before joining the university, Dr. Suad Saeid Al-Khumsi worked in the education sector as a social worker in the primary and middle school stages from 1987 to 1992. During this time, she contributed with high professionalism to establish the role of the social worker in the educational field. Thus, it can be said that Dr. Suad continuously works on research and investigation to keep pace with the scientific developments in the field of social work in various areas that enhance the academic and educational level. During this period, she also participated in local and international scientific conferences.

Research Interests

Research Interests:

Throughout the past period, Dr. Suad Al-Khumsi has continuously worked on research and investigation to keep pace with modern and advanced research and studies to enhance her academic level and that of her students. During this time, she conducted research and published it in peer-reviewed scientific journals. She also participated in local and international scientific conferences and seminars.

Local Conferences:

- The First Scientific Conference on Social Work, organized by the Union of Social and Psychological Specialists under the title "The Role of Youth in Protecting the Environment from Pollution", under the supervision and sponsorship of the Ministry of Social Affairs, on July 29-31, 2007, in Tripoli.

- Scientific Seminar on the Academic Achievement of Libyan University Students: Assessment of Reality and Outlook for the Future, held on March 17-19, 2008, at the Faculty of Arts, Garyounis University, Benghazi.

- The First International Conference on Drugs and Psychoactive Substances: "The Impacts of Drugs and Psychoactive Substances on Families and Human Communities - Facing Drugs is a Collective Responsibility", held from November 9 to 11, 2021, at Corinthia Hall.

International Conferences:

- The Third International Scientific Conference on Social Work in the Arab World: Between the Problem of Recognition and the Reality of Practice, held on December 5-6, 2023, in Tunis.

- The Third International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, held on December 25-26, 2021, in Antalya, Turkey, at Akdeniz University in collaboration with the Schwlaer Foundation. In addition to her participation in the workshops that were part of the conference, the first was titled "Emotional Intelligence" and the second was titled "Autistic Children".

Published Research:

- Field research titled "Awareness Level of Coronavirus Pandemic and Prevention Among Primary School Students in Libya", published in the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, released on March 28, 2022, on social media platforms.

- Field research titled "Training Needs of Social Work Students Trained in the Educational Field and Their Contribution to Achieving Development and Quality of Education", published in the Journal of Science and Education, issued by the Libyan Association and Teaching Strategies, Benghazi National Publishing House, Libya, Volume 8, March 2022, Journal Deposit Number (2019/636).

- Field research titled "Obstacles to the Quality of Field Training and Its Reflection on the Development of Social Work Students' Skills", published in the Journal of Science and Education, issued by the Libyan Association and Teaching Strategies, Benghazi National Publishing House, Libya, Volume 8, March 2022, Journal Deposit Number (2019/636).

- Field research titled "The Spread of Drug Abuse Among School Students and the Role of Social Work in Confronting it", published in the Journal of Science and Education, issued by the Libyan Association and Teaching Strategies, Benghazi National Publishing House, Libya, Volume 9, May 2022, Journal Deposit Number (2019/636).

Ph.D. Dissertation:

- Doctoral dissertation titled "Approaches to Developing the Principle of Social Responsibility Among Social Work Students: An Experimental Study of a Proposed Program to Develop the Principle of Social Responsibility Among Social Work Female Students at the Faculty of Arts, Swani Branch, University of Tripoli" (2022).

Master's Thesis:

- Master's thesis titled "A Field Study on Dominant Values and their Relationship to Self-Realization Among Students in the Intermediate Stage (Specialized Secondary)", unpublished, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, 2006.

External Activities

External Activities:

Dr. Suad Al-Khumsi has kept pace with improving her performance in her field of work. During this time, she participated in local scientific conferences, seminars, and workshops. Some of her external activities include conducting training workshops for social workers in Tajoura Education Monitoring targeting social workers working in Tajoura Education Monitoring, participation in collecting field data for the survey study on Tajoura's surroundings jointly conducted by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Tripoli in 2008, organizing awareness programs at the Faculty of Arts branch related to healthcare in collaboration with specialized doctors in infectious diseases and how to protect against exposure to infection (coronavirus) using social media, and participation in a workshop on the Child Rights Law in Libya under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Department of Social Work.


Conference paper

سعاد سعيد فرج الخمسي (1-2007)
مجلة جامعة بنغازي العلمية

Journal Article

د.عائشة الباشير محمد قدمور , د. أحلام احمد علي الحداد , أ. سعاد سعيد فرج الخمسي (3-2022)
مجلة علوم التربية , الصفحات 1-17

PhD Thesis

Master Thesis