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Dr. Hamza Etheleb

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Translation
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2020


Dr Hamza Ethelb holds a PhD in Translation and Media Studies from the University of Glasgow, UK. His Master’s degree is in Computer Assisted Translation Tools from Heriot Watt University, UK. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Translation, University of Tripoli, Libya. He is also the head of the Department of English at University of Tripoli since August 2021. Dr Ethelb has a wide experience in translation of various types of documents. In 2012, he co-founded Tripoli Office for translation services. His translation experience exceeds 10 years with local and international organizations and institutions operating in Libya. In addition to his practical experience in translation, Dr Ethelb published more than 20 research papers in areas of translation, media, discourse, linguistics and ideology.


Dr. Hamza Ethelb is currently a full-time Assistant Professor faculty member at the Department of Translation, Faculty of Languages. He has taught in the Department since 2012, delivering various subjects, including Translating Journalistic, and Medical Texts, and the Use of Sources. He also taught technical subjects such as Machine Translation and CAT tools. He is now teaching audiovisual translation subjects (dubbing and subtitling). Dr Ethelb focuses on the practical side in his teaching, whether it is the use software/applications in subtitling or translation with aiding tools. Further, students in his classes learn the techniques and strategies for summarizing scientific researches so that they are able to write academic and scientific texts.

Dr Ethelb held the position of Head of the English Language Department at the Faculty of Languages from August 2021 to October 2022. He worked with faculty members in the department to develop curricula and integrate some subjects so that they meet the requirements of the labor market. Dr Ethelb formed committees for this purpose and followed up on their workflow. The Department is taking administrative measures to complete this change that the Department's professors aspire to. Dr Ethelb formed the quality committee in the d=Department, which worked for months until the quality requirements of the Faculty of Languages were completed. He supervised the work of the research, consulting and training coordinator, in addition to the course of the learning process in terms of teaching and conducting midterm and final exams throughout his tenure as head.

The President of the University of Tripoli assigned Dr Ethelb with the duties to supervise and translate the new webpage of the University of Tripoli. He supervised and translated the website of the University of Tripoli in English by heading the translation committee that worked on translating the new version of the University of Tripoli website for a period of six months.

In addition to his teaching and administrative duties, Dr Ethelb is the head of the Communication and Academic Exchange Unit at the International Cooperation Office at the University of Tripoli since January 2020. Through this unit, the University of Tripoli establishes communication with some European universities in Italy, Spain and Latvia to open opportunities for students to study one or two semesters under the umbrella of Erasmus+. Several visits have been coordinated regarding academic exchange with professors between those universities. Further, Dr Ethelb works with the university's International Cooperation Office team on several projects with European support to open specialized master's programs in some faculties of the University of Tripoli in the fields of health, media, engineering, development of the higher education sector, and programs related to technology transfer and linking between the labor market and the university's student force.

In 2012, he worked as head of the Study and Examinations Unit at the Translation Department at the University of Tripoli and was a member of the scientific committee in the same Department.

Research Interests

Dr. Ethelb is interested in the fields of Linguistics,  Translation Studies, the role of ideology in translation, and audiovisual translation products. He is also interested in political discourse research, discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis, media and media discourse in language and communication.

External Activities

Dr. Hamza Ethelb is a reviewer at one of the most renown journals in translation studies in the world, namely Babel | Revue internationale de la translation / International Journal of Translation, which is specialized in issues related to the fields and branches of translation.He is an editor in some international journals, such as “In Translation”, which is an annual peer-reviewed journal dealing with the field of translation studies in Arabic, English and French. It is published by Bagi Mokhtar University, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Translation, Laboratory of Translation and Teaching Languages.  He also works as an reviewer in the “Al-Motarjem” journal, which is an international academic periodical peer-reviewed journal. It is published by the “Teaching of Translation and Multilingualism” laboratory at the University of Oran 1. Ahmed Ben Bella. Dr. Ethelb has also reviewer research for the Arab World English Journal indexed in the Scopus database, as well as the Frontier in Psychology journal, which is a peer-reviewed journal indexed in many platforms such as Scopus and others, as well as with the International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies.He participates with many international institutions in the fields of translation, languages and education, including the Schwlar Foundation. He works as deputy head of the translation department at the Arab Democratic Center and deputy editor-in-chief of the Translation Journal, which is issued by the same center. He also participated in many local and international conferences.


Journal Article

Hamza Ethelb (10-2020)
Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2(4), pp. 62-69
Hamza Ethelb (7-2019)
International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies, 7(3), pp. 8-25
Hamza Ethelb (10-2019)
AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies, 3(4)
Hamza Ethelb (8-2019)
Arab World English Journal (, 3(3), pp. 107-112
Hamza Ethelb (5-2016)
Arab World English Journal (, pp. 108-123
Hamza Ethelb (1-2020)
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 12(6), pp. 2245-2253
Hamza Ethelb (7-2015)
International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies, 3(3), pp. 27-37
حمزة امحمد الثلب, خالد أبوالقاسم غلام (6-2019)
مجلة كلية الفنون والإعلام مصراته, 4(4), الصفحات 71-88
Hamza Ethelb, Mohammad Mahzari, Mohamed Hussein, Abdulfattah Omar (1-2021)
, 11(3)
Hamza Ethelb, Abdulfattah Omar, Yasser Gomaa (1-2020)
Hamza Ethelb, Abdulfattah Omar, Mohamed Elarabawy Hashem (1-2020)
, 11(11)
Hamza Ethelb, , Nisreen Mohamed Muamer Al-shredi, Fatima Elhadi B. Harb (6-2022)
مجلة كلية اللغات - جامعة طرابلس, 25(0)
Hamza Ethelb, Abdulfattah Omar, Waheed M. A. Altohami, Bahramuddin Hamidi (6-2022)
Hamza Ethelb (4-2022)
International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies, 10(2)
Hamza Emhemed Ahmed Etheleb, Yasser Muhammad Naguib Sabtan, Mohamed Saad Mahmoud Hussein, Abdulfattah Omar (8-2021)
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 12(7)
حمزة امحمد احمد الثلب, خالد أبوالقاسم عمر غلام (3-2021)
, 1(4)
Eshraqs Sasi, Hamza Ethelb*, (9-2020)
, 4(4), pp. 62-69
Hana Balhouq, Hamza Elthelb (11-2023)
International Journal of Linguistics and Translation, 6(12), pp. 53-60


حمزة امحمد الثلب, ميلاد محمد شرباك (1-2017)
دار الحكمة طرابلس

Book Chapter