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  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Visual Arts
  • Faculty of Arts and Design



All since 2019


Dr. Fawzi Al-Mahmoudi is a faculty member in the Visual Arts Department at the College of Arts. Mr. Fawzi Al-Mahmoudi has been working at the University of Tripoli as an associate professor since 12-09-2020 and has many scientific publications in his field of specialization. He specializes in the visual arts with a Ph.D. He holds a PhD in Visual Effects Production and extensive teaching and research experience. He teaches department majors in photography, digital media, graphic design, and visual effects.


He worked as a demonstrator in the Department of Visual Arts in 1995 after obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts. dispatched d. Fawzi Al-Mahmoudi to prepare for the higher degree (Masters) in multimedia and video at the Faculty of Arts, Brno Technical University, and obtained it in 2003. After his return, he joined the college as a faculty member in the Department of Visual Arts and founded the Media Design and Montage Laboratory at the College of Arts and Media. He completed his postgraduate studies after obtaining a dispatch decision to prepare for the exact degree (PhD) in Cinematic Arts, which he obtained in 2011. Dr. Fawzi Al-Mahmoudi in developing the media side of the University of Tripoli, so he was the founder and director of the media office at the university in 2012. Dr. Fawzy is a member of the Technical Committee for the Follow-up and Implementation of Art and Visual Works at the Ministry of Culture as a matter of cooperation. He held the position of Head of the Visual Arts Department in 2015. Dr. Al-Mahmudi in reorganizing the academic curricula and updating the curricula of the college departments with his membership in the committee. He is currently the Vice Dean of the College of Arts for Scientific Affairs.

Research Interests

After obtaining a high degree (Master’s degree) and returning to teach at the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Fawzi focused on developing the technical practical side, especially after the disciplines in the Visual Arts Department became highly dependent on graphic programs. He worked on managing the computer lab in the faculty and using it to teach students the practical side of montage materials. which he was studying. He has many scientific researches that have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including:

1. Fields of Light and Focus Clarity in Digital Photography, Communication Research Journal, Al-Zaytoonah University, Sixth Issue, December 2019.

2. Brief reference notes in the history of cinema from motion monitoring to digital cinema (Europe and North America), Journal of Media and Arts, Spring 2020.

3. The visual metaphor of the image and how to read it, Journal of Media and Arts, The Libyan Academy, Issue 3, October 2020.

External Activities

During his studies with a high academic degree, he had many artistic activities in which he participated, including his participation on the sidelines of the Human Rights Film Festival in the Czech capital, Prague, with a work entitled “The nature of humanity.” He also had another participation in the Arts House in Brno, where he was honored. And membership in the house.


Journal Article

عبدالباري محمد سالم مادي, فوزي محمد سالم المحمودي (1-2015)
المجلة العلمية لجامعة طرابلس, 9(0), الصفحات 17-28
عبدالباري محمد سالم مادي, فوزي محمد سالم المحمودي (10-2020)
, 3(0), الصفحات 487-506
Abdulaziz Dwaya (1-2022)