• َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Accounting Department
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


.Since his appointment, he has been assigned many tasks, including:

1. Teaching accounting subjects and supervising students’ graduation research. Among the subjects he taught:

 1.1 Principles of Accounting I 1.2 Principles of Accounting II 1.3 Intermediate Accounting I 1.4 Intermediate Accounting II 1.5 Cost Accounting I 1.6 Cost Accounting II (Accounting for Costs of Orders and Stages) 1.7 Management Accounting 1.8 Accounting for Service Projects 1.9 Tax Accounting 1.10 Auditing Accounts 1.11 Accounting for Financial Companies

2. Membership in committees for monitoring student results in the academic year system

3. Participate in discussing and evaluating graduation research

4. Membership in admission committees for new faculty members and teaching assistants

5. Establishing foundations and criteria for acceptance among applicants for the position of teaching assistant

6. Membership in some fact-finding committees at the university level and preparing final reports with their findings

7. Participation in examinations and interviews for admission of postgraduate students.

8. Managing the Office of Study and Examinations in the Accounting Department 2001 - 2004


SEDIK M Rayes worked at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science in 1997 as a collaborator assigned to teach accounting subjects.

An appointment decision was issued to him as an assistant lecturer in 1999, and he has been working at the University of Tripoli as a lecturer since 08-23-2003.

Research Interests

In addition to Mr. Rayes interest in studying and evaluating service cost models, he is particularly interested in modern technologies in managing financial and regulatory information and automated data processing (ERPs), especially the obstacles that modern systems face related to the environment, and topics directly related to the accounting work environment in general.

External Activities

In the professional and practical field, Mr. Rayes is active in the field of external auditing, as he has been registered in the register of certified accountants and auditors since 1998. He is also accredited by the Central Bank of Libya since 2008, and the Audit Bureau, and is registered in the court’s register of accounting experts.

He has completed many advisory and executive works

Such as

- Preparing economic feasibility studies for industrial and service projects

- Chaired a committee to evaluate 63 financial and administrative factories and prepare them for privatization 2004-2008.

- Training a number of graduates since 2007 on professional work and the use of electronic programs in the field of accounting

- Membership of a committee to evaluate the data of companies registered in the investment registry and develop proposals to control the data for 2015-2016

- Laying the foundations for automated operating systems (ERPs) and contributing to the completion of their user authorization system for some institutions, participating in supervising their operation, and developing models for the required software modifications and testing them upon receipt.

- Participation in a number of professional workshops, including a workshop on preparing Law No. 9 of 2010 to encourage investment.

- Evaluating some major companies and determining the fair price for a share of their capital.

- Leading the processes of preparing some estimated budgets, drafting them, discussing them, and following up on their approval

- Effective contribution to preparing cost reports for services for a number of telecommunications companies

- Completing some cost studies for pricing purposes and discussing them with the authorities authorized to approve the selling price.


Unpublished work

الصديق مصطفى الرايس (11-1994)
جامعة طرابلس