Dr. Abdulwahed Gammudi

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Political science
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


Abdul Wahid Al-Qamoudi is a faculty member in the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Economics in Tripoli. Mr. Abdul Wahed Al-Qamoudi has been working at the University of Tripoli as a lecturer since October 2009 and has many scientific publications in his field of specialization.He taught as an assistant lecturer since 10/01/1988 at Nasser University and then was transferred to the Faculty of Economics and Political Science after its establishment and opening at the University of Tripoli.He worked as a legal advisor in the General Oil Syndicate during the period from 1979 to mid-1980.From mid-1980 to January 1988, he worked at the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including at the Libyan Embassy in Poland.


Dr. Abdul Wahed Al-Qammoudi works as a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science. He researched with various colleagues and published with a colleague in the Ustad magazine issued by the General Syndicate of Faculty Members on the role of human rights in political and societal stability in Libya.

He has also previously published research on the dialogue of civilizations in the journal of the Complutencia University in Madrid, and has more than one study under publication.

He also supervises the cultural activity in the Department of Political Science. He previously supervised a number of cultural workshops and seminars at the College of Economics and Political Science, which had a good impact inside and outside the college

Research Interests

Dr. Abdulwahed Al-Qamoudi's research interests focus on international relations and various studies on international law, international humanitarian law, and human rights. He has a new contribution under publication about the serious Zionist violations of international humanitarian law.

He is also interested in researching and studying various international issues at the regional and international levels.

His latest studies that will soon be published include a study on the World Trade Organization addressing the organization's position amidst the conflict within the organization between the United States and China, where the United States threatened to withdraw from the organization during the Trump administration.

External Activities

He was appointed by the Libyan government to work at the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he served as an ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain from November 2004 to January 2009.

He participated in the international conference organized by the Complutense University of Madrid in 2007 on the dialogue of civilizations and presented a contribution on the role of intellectuals in the dialogue of civilizations, which extremist groups in the West and East are trying to turn into a clash of civilizations.

He participated in the work through expert committees in the Souq Al-Jumaa area and was a member of the external working team in the same area. He also actively participated and contributed to social and cultural activities in Tripoli or outside it whenever requested.


Journal Article

د.عبدالواحد رمضان محمد القمودي, أ. طارق الامين البشير عصمان (9-2022)
المجلة العلمية لجامعة طرابلس, 22(2022), الصفحات 1-27