Department of Physics

Word Of the Head Department of Physics

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the sent prophets, our Master and Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, upon him be the best prayers and peace be upon him. The Department of Physics was established in the College of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir, with the establishment of a simple college of faculty members, and prayers and peace for the physics departments in other colleges. And thanks to God Almighty, and thanks to the distinguished elite of faculty members who joined us successively, a group of our distinguished students graduated who we are proud of And those who have proven their competence and competence, whether on the scientific level by completing their postgraduate studies with distinction, or on the practical level because they have become qualified teachers.

The department is constantly keen to develop its study plan in line with developments in the local and international market and to improve the learning outcomes of graduate students.


The Department of Physics, which is one of the departments of the Faculty of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir, University of Tripoli, seeks to build a professional teacher who makes decisions to solve general and modern educational problems with their applications, and by working to provide laboratory capabilities and professional teaching competencies for physics, as well as raising the level of graduates to be able to perform the task of education. They are entrusted with success in a way that contributes to the advancement of the country through a technically and scientifically advanced department.

It also seeks to prepare graduates who are educationally, academically and culturally qualified to keep pace with the era of knowledge, technology and scientific progress. The department also aspires to be at the forefront of scientific departments, both in terms of academics, teaching and scientific research, or in terms of community service.


Providing distinguished education to prepare highly qualified graduates specialized in physics who are able to engage in the labor market and keep abreast of scientific and technological developments, and are also able to complete their postgraduate studies, which supports the progress and advancement of society


Preparing highly qualified and distinguished teachers in educational, academic and cultural preparation to teach physics for the various stages of primary and secondary education.

Developing the spirit of scientific research and encouraging innovations in the field of physical sciences.

Contribute to the development of programs, plans and curricula for physics sciences for various educational stages to keep pace with the age of knowledge and technology.

Supporting distinguished and outstanding students to complete their postgraduate studies.

Contribute to the training of physics teachers in educational institutions and provide them with scientific and technical advice.

Spreading educational awareness in the community, especially for medical workers, of the dangers of some radiations and materials.


To qualify the student scientifically and educationally to be a successful teacher.

2- Giving the student accurate and integrated knowledge of physical concepts.

3- Providing students with skills in the field of physics.

4- Introducing the student to the rapid development in the field of physics and urging him to keep pace with this development.

5- Introducing students to common mistakes in teaching physics.

6- Teaching the student how to link theory and practice.

7- Introducing students to modern and advanced teaching methods in physics

Organizational Structure for Department of Physics

Facts about Department of Physics

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



