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Mr. Esmael Yousef

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Kindergarten
  • faculty of Education Tripoli



All since 2019


Esmael Yousef is one of the staff members at the department of 9 faculty of 17. He is working as a since 2016-02-01. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.



Ismail teaches at the Kindergarten Department at the Tripoli College of Education. From 2016-02-01, Mr. Ismail has served as an assistant lecturer at the University of Tripoli. He is a prolific author in his area of expertise

Research Interests


Ismail Muammar works in the Department of Kindergarten at Tripoli's Faculty of Education. Mr. Ismail Muammar is a lecturer at the University of Tripoli and has been assigned many tasks both inside and outside the department during his time at the Faculty of Education in Tripoli, including supervising graduation projects, being the coordinator of practical education, being the coordinator of documentation and information, and teaching many subjects in the Departments of Kindergarten, Special Education, and Psychology

External Activities

Between 2015 and 2016, he served as a collaborating faculty member at the Tripoli Faculty of Education before taking a position as a permanent lecturer in the kindergarten division.

Outdoors activates.

Ismail Muammar is a member of the Faculty of Education at the University of Tripoli, and he is very interested in kindergarten.


Journal Article

سنيه مصطفى حسن دويك, ربيعة حسين احمد حسين, اسماعيل معمر علي يوسف, , , (1-2020)
جامعة طرابلس, 19(0), الصفحات 79-98