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Dr. Ali Elagael

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Botany
  • Faculty of Science



All since 2020


Dr. Ali Elagael is one of the faculty members at Tripoli university since 1998, Dr.. Ali has been working at Tripoli university as an associate professor since 06-09-2020 and has many scientific publications in his field of specialization. He held many leadership positions at the University of Tripoli. Dr. Ali worked as the head of the biology department at the Faculty of Education Tripoli, coordinator of postgraduate studies and coordinator of study and examinations at the Department of Botany at the Faculty of science Tripoli university, Dr. Ali is a member of the Association of the Arab society for plant protection , and one of the members of the presidential office of the Mediterranean group for chemical pesticides and chairman of the advisory committee of the Center for chemical pesticides in Tripoli..


Master Degree in soil bacteria (1997)  and PhD. From the University of Manchester - UK in 2005 in the field of Soil Microbiology

Lecturer at the Plant Protection Department since 1998 and taught the Microbiology Courses.

Head of the Biology Department at the Faculty of Education Tripoli from 2008-2010

2007 – 2011 Member of President Office of Mediterranean Group of Pesticide Research (MGPR).

Associate member of the Arab society for plant protection since 2010 until now.

Member of the International Society of microbiology since 2003

Member of the Presidium of the Mediterranean pesticides group 2007-2011

Faculty member of the Department of Botany since 2020 until now.

Coordinator of Graduate Studies at the Department of Botany 2020

Member of the Equivalence Committee of the Faculty of science 2021 until now

Research Interests

Uses of spectrophotometer in determining enzyme concentrations

The use of the MALDI-TOFMS mass spectrometry system technology for bacteria

Extraction and identification of secondary metabolites using chromatography applications

Isolation, identification and use of microorganisms producing industrial enzymes

Microbiology and toxic compounds in the soil

Microbiology as plant growth promoting, particularly Trichoderma 

External Activities

Dr. Ali Elagael Editorial Board member of Al-Ostath Journal 

Participation in the meetings of the Presidency Office of the Mediterranean group for chemical pesticides


Journal Article

Elagael Ali, Taher Y. Abourghiba, Fawzi S. Adam (1-2014)
مجلة الاستاذ, 7(2), pp. 15-23
Ali Belgasim Elagael, Fawzi Saad Adam , Saleh Mostafa Nuesry (1-2010)
المجلة الليبية للعلوم الزراعية, 15(2), pp. 1-7
علي ابوالقاسم الجدي العاقل, صالح عبد الله سالم السلوقي, هناء أحمد أبوظهير (1-2020)
مجلة الاستاذ نقابة أعضاء هيئة التدريس جامعة طرابلس, 19(1), الصفحات 11-27