College Curriculum Committee meeting

Within the framework of modernizing and developing the college’s departmental curricula to keep pace with the development to which it pays great attention, as well as preparing and preparing for program accreditation, in the Graduate Studies Hall of the Statistics Department, the College’s Curriculum Committee met on Thursday, August 24, 2023, headed by Dr.  Jamal Ander, Vice Dean of the College and Head of the Curriculum Committee, to discuss the curricula submitted by the Botany Department for accreditation.

 A team of experts and specialists in botany from the Botany Department presented the study plan for the Botany Department to the Curriculum Committee, which includes two divisions:

 - Division of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation.

 - Microbiology Division.

 After discussion, dialogue, and some comments, the previously mentioned divisional curricula for the Botany Department were approved.
