Few Hours to meet of the Institutional Quality Audit Team

A few hours separate us from the meeting of the institutional quality audit team and the pace of efforts doubles the work of the working committees of staff and faculty members. In the presence of encouraging and supporting the honorable Dr. Bashir Al-Zarzah, Director of the Quality and Performance Evaluation Office at the University of Tripoli in Dr. Khairy Shaw Member of the Office of Quality and Performance Evaluation at the University of Tripoli Therefore, they supported everyone, and here the work continues until after nine in the evening. Everyone from the Dean of the College, Dr. Magdy Hamza, and the Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Ismail Hisn and Dr. Samar Al-Alw, Head of Quality Department at the College Samar and the heads and members of the committees for collecting standards, evidence and evidence, who made tremendous efforts in record time and carry out its tasks in the best way.  Their motto is "Institutional accreditation of the college" for a period commensurate with the volume of work it has done.

Which God willing, will be achieved through the visit of the flour team, starting from Tuesday, December 20, 2022, 
