Faculty of Sharia Sciences - tajoura

Word Of the Dean Faculty of Sharia Sciences - tajoura

The  faculty of Sharia Sciences although is  young and of recent origin, it is strong-willed and determined. It's main purpose is to provide the community with scientific outputs that contribute to spreading knowledge, raising awareness, and correcting concepts..

The faculty is composed of five departments, namely: Sharia, Sharia & Law, Fundamentals of Religion, Islamic Economics, and Arabic Language. Each department has its own mission, vision, and general goals. Yet, all adopt the mission and vision of the faculty and aim to achieve its general goal, which is preparing a generation that believes in Lord, contributes to the advancement of the society in various fields and involves in serving the community, each in its field of specialization.

The teaching staff are well-educated, who obtained their higher degrees from prestigious local and abroad universities. Besides their educational job, they are also serving the community in various areas, including preaching, leading prayers, carrying out Friday prayers and sermons, concluding marriage contracts, and the likes.  

So far, more than 150 had graduated from the faculty, most of which have already engaged in serving the community in the fields of education and the judiciary. 

Dr.. Fawzi Shaaban Al-Ghariani

Dean of the faculty.


The Faculty of Sharia Sciences seeks to achieve academic and research distinction among other faculties of Sharia at the local level during the next three years. 


The Faculty of Sharia Sciences works on graduating highly qualified cadres in law and sharia programs and other sciences that are relevant to sharia, as well as advancing the scientific research momentum in the service of society.


The Faculty of Sharia Sciences aims at:

·         Preparing specialized outputs in Sharia and legal sciences that in the service of the nation.

·         Encouraging legitimate and legal scientific research to enrich society and solve its problems by participating in scientific conferences and seminars.

·         Spreading legal and sharia-oriented awareness and consolidating Islamic values ​​and concepts calling for moderation in society and resisting extremism.

·         Communicating with counterpart institutions for development, improvement and exchange of experiences.

·         Developing and improving the academic and administrative performance of the Faculty.


The strategic goals of the Faculty are

·         Upgrading the infrastructure

·         Embracing a culture of quality

·         Developing the components of the educational process

·         Raising interest in scientific research

·         Expanding existing, and opening new, educational programs

Contributing to community service and the environment


The Faculty of Sharia Sciences adopts the following values:


·         Dedication and devotion to complete tasks

·         Spirit of belonging to the institution

·         Teamwork

·         Integrity and transparency

Positivity in scientific research

Organizational Structure for Faculty of Sharia Sciences - tajoura

Facts about Faculty of Sharia Sciences - tajoura

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



