Department of Surgery and Theriogenology

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About Department of Surgery and Theriogenology

Facts about Department of Surgery and Theriogenology

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff


Master - Surgery, anesthesia and radiology

This program is implemented through the study of academic courses, the number of which is not less than (24) academic units, and that it does not exceed (30) academic units over 3 semesters, in addition to completing a specialized scientific research thesis with a number of (6) academic units. The legal period necessary to obtain a master’s degree that the student spends in the department since joining, registering with, and graduating from it shall not be less than (18) months, and that the period...


Who works at the Department of Surgery and Theriogenology

Department of Surgery and Theriogenology has more than 8 academic staff members

staff photo

Mr. Jalal Mohamed S Abdelhadi

Jalal Abdelhadi is one of the staff members at the department of 7 faculty of 6. He is working as a since . He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

Department of Surgery and Theriogenology in photos

Department of Surgery and Theriogenology Albums