Department of Aquaculture

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About Department of Aquaculture

Out of the College of Agriculture’s belief in the importance of the sea and the exploitation of its enormous wealth as an important source of animal protein for humans, and in view of the role that marine wealth plays as one of the pillars of the national economy, the Department of Aquaculture was established in the year 1995 AD, and one of the main objectives of the department is that it includes many areas related to the preservation, development and economic investment of many resources. The National Navy, effectively contributing to achieving food security by compensating for the increasing decrease in the amount of fish caught resulting from the depletion of fisheries and resulting from overfishing operations, by preparing qualified graduates who are scientifically and practically capable of hatching and raising desirable economic fish locally and globally, and making an effective contribution to achieving development. Sustainable fish resources in the environment The National Navy, based on their understanding of how to preserve, develop and invest these resources, emphasize how to exploit marine resources and wealth to ensure their permanent preservation and investment, and cooperate with some research centers and other relevant national institutions.

Facts about Department of Aquaculture

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff






Bachelor - Aquaculture

Founded in 1995, the department of aquaculture main objective is to provide training and research in aquaculture related subjects. Tackling food security, overexploiting fish stocks, marine biodiversity, pollution and endangered marine species. The institute of aquaculture works in close collaboration with both governmental and non-governmental bodies.  Providing consultancies and training. Developing partnerships with universities, research enters and organizations....


Who works at the Department of Aquaculture

Department of Aquaculture has more than 10 academic staff members

staff photo

Dr. Jamila taher ahmed rizgalla

Born in Tripoli, Jamila Rizgalla graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tripoli, Libya in 1999. Following an MSc in Aquatic Veterinary Studies from the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Scotland in 2005 she accepted a position as assistant lecturer at the department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli, Tripoli 2006 and was appointed head of department 2009-2010. Following a PhD in the health status of wild dusky grouper in Libya, at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Scotland, funded by the Libyan government in 2017. She returned to the department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya to continue her work as Lecture. She teaches at the University of Tripoli and internationally. She called to life Project Snowball (2018-date), a project that aims at assessing marine biodiversity in Libyan waters combining field work, social media and citizen science projects. She is author and co-author of a number of scientific papers, most of which concern diseases and disease processes in fish, recording of invasive species and assessing marine megafauna.