• َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Arabic Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


·        Teaching grammar, morphology, and the origin of Arabic writing,·         Coordinator of the study and examination’s office in the Arabic Department.·        Teaching Arabic 2 and 3 as general subjects

Azza Maawi is a faculty member in the Arabic Language Department at the College of Languages. Ms. Maawi has been working at the University of Tripoli as an associate professor since 2008, full-time. She was assigned the tasks of the Study and Examinations Department in the Islamic Studies Department in 2008 at the College of Arts, Al-Suwani Branch.       Ms. Maawi was sent to study abroad to complete her studies to obtain a doctoral degree. She returned from the delegation in 2015, and was assigned the duties of head of the Islamic Studies Department, and the tasks of study and examinations in the department from 2015 to 2020.      Ms. Maawi moved to the Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli in 2021 and was assigned the tasks of the Study and Examinations Department in the Arabic Language Department. She was appointed as Vice Dean of the College of Languages in 2023.



·        2008-2010: Coordinator of the study and examination’s office in the Department of Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Arts

·        2015-2020: Head of the Department of Islamic Studies and coordinator of study and examination’s at the Faculty of Arts

·        2021- present: Head of the study and examination’s office at the Department of the Arabic Language - Faculty of Languages ​​

·        In addition to these duties, I teach students specialized in Arabic language, and those not majored in Arabic (e.g. from the Italian, Spanish, English and French departments).

·        I am also a staff member in the postgraduate section, giving lectures, supervising MA dissertations, an active participant in academic discussion, seminars and an anonymous examiner of MA. Dissertations

Research Interests

·        My research interests focus on Theoretical Syntax. I am working on a research paper at the moment and I aim to present it in an upcoming conference.

·        I am also interested in supervising more students in this area and in preparing workshops and seminars related to the areas of Grammar and Syntax.

External Activities

Conferences attended

·        Presenting a research paper at “A conference in memory of Ibn Jinni”. Tobruk University 2019 ·        Presenting a research paper at a conference in the University of Zawia.  Azzawia 2019 ·        Presenting a research paper in a conference in Tobruk University 2021.  


Conference paper

د. عزة معاوي عمر الشيباني (11-2019)
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي المتخصص في اللغة العربية والآداب, الصفحات 477-491
د. عزة معاوي عمر الشيباني (10-2020)
الملتقى الوطني الدولي الأول للأدب والنقد في ليبيا, الصفحات 474-488
د. عزة معاوي عمر الشيباني (4-2020)
مجلة ابن منظور, الصفحات 79-93

Journal Article

د.عزة معاوي عمر الشيباني (12-2020)
مجلة البينة قسم اللغة العربية بكلية اللغات بجامعة طرابلس, الصفحات 145-165