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Dr. Abdulmajid Staylah

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Faculty of Economy alqaser branch
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


Dr. Abdul Majid Abu Saa Ali STAYLAH is one of the faculty members at the Tripoli University, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, (Qasr Bin Ghashir), specializing in political sciences. He joined the college as a permanent member on December 31, 2023 AD, and now takes a position with the rank of assistant professor since February 10, 2022 AD. He has many scientific publications in his field of specialization, Foreign Policy and Relations. He has previously supervised many graduation projects at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Surman, Sabratha University, and Mr. Abdul Majid STAYLAH wrote several books of methodological, in his field of specialization, and he He is currently writing a book about methodological in the field of international relations in cooperation with some colleagues in the same specialty.


  • Assistant lecturer at Zawia University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, from 2011-2013 AD.
  • Assistant Professor at Sabratha University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Sorman, from 2019-2023 AD.
  • President of the Faculty Syndicate at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Sorman, from 2022-2023 AD.
  • Representative of Sabratha University to the Ministry of Finance from 2022-2023 AD.
  • Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Qasr Bin Ghashir, University of Tripoli, 2023 AD.

Research Interests

The researcher's interests in the field of international relations and foreign policies focus on the international field, and he has published a number of his research papers in this field in many scientific journals. He is interested in attending, participating and supervising conferences and seminars at home and abroad.

External Activities

Founding member of the Scientific and Cultural Complex in Tripoli 2015Founding member of the Libyan Authority for Oversight of Reconciliation and Charitable Works 2016One of the members of the reconciliation committee (Misrata - Tawergha), June 2016.Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the Social Council of the Saiyan Tribes, Tripoli and the Coast 2019.Member of the General Union of Arab Youth 2020.


Journal Article

عبدالمجيد ابوصاع علي اسطيلة (12-2023)
مجلة جامعة صبراتة العلمية, 14(7), الصفحات 69-87
عبدالمجيد ابوصاع علي اسطيلة (6-2023)
مجلة المدد, 11(6), الصفحات 138-160
عبدالمجيد ابوصاع اسطيلة, د. فتحي بلعيد أبورزيز, د. علي ابراهيم الاشهب (6-2021)
مجلة المدد, 7(4), الصفحات 138-160
عبدالمجيد ابوصاع علي اسطيلة (12-2020)
مجلة القلم المبين , جامعة غريان


عبدالمجيد ابوصاع علي اسطيلة (6-2022)
دار حميثرا للنشر والتوزيع والترجمة, 1(0)
عبدالمجيد ابوصاع علي اسطيلة (1-2021)
دار حميثرا للنشر والتوزيع والترجمة, 1(0)

Book Chapter

عبدالمجيد ابوصاع علي اسطيلة (1-2024)
مجمع الاطرش لنشر الكتاب المختص وتوزيعه, 1(2024), الصفحات 107-116