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Mr. walid Salem

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Financing and Banking
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


mission : Walid Ramadan Salem currently holds the position of Director of the Community Service and Environment Office at the college In addition to his duties as a faculty member in the Finance and Banking Department, he also prepares studies and scientific research related to banks, investment companies, and financial markets.


Academic track: Walid joined the college in 2009 as a cooperating faculty member, and was appointed as a permanent granting faculty member to the academic degree as an assistant lecturer in 2011. She will obtain her academic degree as a lecturer at the end of 2015 The scientific degree is Assistant Professor in the middle of the year 2019

Research Interests

Financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, financial markets, and investment companies Preparing scientific references for some academic courses

External Activities

Walid works as an accountant and certified auditor Providing consultations to banking institutions and the financial market


Conference paper

رضا منصور الصيد شيته, وليد رمضان علي سالم, أحمد صوان (1-2022)
مجلة الجامعة الاسمرية الإسلامية _ زليتن, الصفحات 241-261

Journal Article

رضا منصور الصيد شيته, وليد رمضان علي سالم, يوسف مسعود يخلف (1-2021)
مجالة الباحث , 21(0), الصفحات 211-224
رضا منصور الصيد شيته, وليد رمضان علي سالم (8-2020)
المجلة الدولية للدراسات الاقتصادية, الصفحات 57-70
رضا منصور الصيد شيته, وليد رمضان علي سالم (12-2020)
مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية والسياسية الجامعة اللأسمرية, الصفحات 113-151
رضا منصور الصيد شيته, وليد رمضان علي سالم (11-2021)
المجلة الدولية للدراسات الاقتصادية, 19(0), الصفحات 380-395
رضا منصور الصيد شيته, وليد رمضان علي سالم, على صالح (12-2020)
مجلة جامعة الزيتونة, الصفحات 79-94
شرف الدين خليل البي حسين, وليد رمضان علي سالم, صبري ضو طالب (9-2021)
مجلة المعرفة, الصفحات 73-92