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Dr. Norya Abissa

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Elementary education
  • Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer



All since 2019


أحد أعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم معلم الفصل بكلية التربية قصر بن غشير. تم تكليفي بالعديد من المهام، منها:

• عضو هيئة التدريس في كلية التربية قصر بن غشير وفرع العوطة متعاونين من عام 2006م، 2008م.

• عضو هيئة التدريس بكلية التربية قصر بن غشير وفرع قار العوطة من 2008م، 2012م.

• عضو هيئة تدريس بقسم معلم الفصل بكلية التربية قصر بن غشير من 2018 إلى 2023م.

• عضو اللجنة العلمية لقسم الفصل بكلية التربية قصر بن غشير عام 2024.

• منسق الدراسة والامتحانات للفصل الدراسي الصيفي 2023 .

• رئيس قسم الفصول الدراسية بكلية التربية قصر بن غشير 2023/2024


 Before joining the faculty at the University of Tripoli, I worked as a social statistician in the Education and Learning Monitoring, Qasr Bin Ghashir

Research Interests

نشر العديد من الأبحاث في المجال التربوي منها:

للتعلم: مفهومه، أبعاده، وعوامل المشكلة وفق تصميم كولب للتعلم التجريبي.

الذكاء الروحي وعلاقته بالجنس ومستوى التحصيل في كلية التربية بجامعة طرابلس ليبيا

فاعلية التعلم الإلكتروني على العملية التعليمية في مكافحة وباء كورونا

دراسة المستوى الإيجابي لطلبة كلية التربية قصر بن غشير (جامعة طرابلس) وعلاقتها التجارية مع المستثمري 

External Activities

*Faculty member of Basic Sciences Registry (2008/2009).*Cooperating faculty member at the Faculty of Education, Zaytouna University (2020).*Cooperating faculty member at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Al-Zaytouna (2020). *Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Educational Sciences of the Libyan Society for Curricula and Teaching Strategies.*Member of the Scientific Committee for Educational Sciences. A training course in the field of psychotherapy at the Human Development Center in Aisha Balnar for Humanities and Applied Sciences in Tripoli, 2005. * An English language course at the Foreign Languages ​​Center (Aisha Al-Nir) in Tripoli, 2012 AD.*TOEFL ACADEMIE TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE course at the Center for Foreign Languages ​​and Specialized Translation, Cairo University, 2013.* ICDL course for computer science at the African Information and Consulting Center, Cairo University, 2013.

*Faculty member of Basic Sciences Registry (2008/2009).

*Cooperating faculty member at the Faculty of Education, Zaytouna University (2020).

*Cooperating faculty member at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Al-Zaytouna (2020).

*Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Educational Sciences of the Libyan Society for Curricula and Teaching Strategies.

*Member of the Scientific Committee for Educational Sciences.

 * A training course in the field of psychological therapy at the Human Development Center in Aisha Bel-Nar for Humanities and Applied Sciences in Tripoli, 2005 AD.

* An English language course at the Foreign Languages ​​Center (Aisha Al-Nir) in Tripoli, 2012 AD.


*TOEFL ACADEMIE TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE course at the Center for Foreign Languages ​​and Specialized Translation, Cairo University, 2013.*ICDL course for computer science at the African Information and Consulting Center, Cairo University, 2013.*English language course at the French Center for Foreign Languages, first level, Cairo, 2014. *A self-sufficient course entitled (Application and Correction of the Stanford Interpersonal Intelligence Scale - Fifth Picture) at the Center for Research and Psychological Studies, Cairo University, in the period from 10/12/16/2014 AD.* A two-day course in the field of (creativity development and programmes) at the Center for Research and Psychological Studies, Cairo University, in the period from 10/27/10/10/10/14/AD.*A training course in the field of (Fundamentals of Scientific Writing for Research) at the Educational Services Center at the Institute of Educational Studies at Cairo University in the period from 11/29/2014 AD to 12/1/2014 AD.*Participation entitled Introduction to Special Education in a scientific symposium on Special Education and the importance of integrating it into the kindergarten stage at the College of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir, Kindergarten Department. Corresponding to 4/6/2021.* A new 20-hour training course for trainers (TOT) during the period from 15 to 23/7/2021 AD at the Arab Center for Training and Human Development via the Zoom application.*Measurement and evaluation course at the Military Advisors Center in Tripoli in the period from 2/8 to 2/10/2022*A course in the field of SPSS at the Faculty of Education, Qasr bin Ghashir, 2022*A workshop in the field of electronic questionnaire and electronic testing in the Department of Research and Consulting at the Faculty of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir.*A dance course in the field of Excel in the Department of Research and recommended tips at the Faculty of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir.*A scientific course entitled Criteria for Arbitrating Scientific Research According to the Systems and Standards of Scientific Journals, organized by the IFAD Scientific Platform - Turkey and the IFAD Scientific Academy - Turkey, held (remotely) on the electronic platform - Zoom application in the period from February 22-23, 2023.*A scientific course entitled “Writing Scientific Research,” organized by Al-Batin and Academics Platform - Turkey and the IFAD Scientific Academy - Turkey, held (remotely) on the electronic platform - Zoom application on February 24, 2023.

* Participation in a scientific lecture entitled Building the psychological, cultural and social personality on 5/13/2023 AD


Conference paper

د نورية حسن منصور عبيسة (6-2023)
مجلة علوم التربية تصدر عن الجمعية الليبية للمناهج واستراتيجيات التدريس, الصفحات 73-100