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Dr. najat alhmmali

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Arabic Language
  • faculty of Education Tripoli



All since 2020


  Najat Al-Hammali is a faculty member at the University of Tripoli since 2006-06-13. She works at the Faculty of Education, Tripoli, in the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, as an Associate Professor, specializing in (Modern Arabic Literature and Criticism). Her duties include the Coordinator of the Arabic Language and Islamic Studies Activity at the College (formerly) and the Coordinator of Information and Documentation at the Department; She also holds the position of Coordinator of Graduate Studies at the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies Internally.. at the rank of Specialist Professor, specializing in (Modern Arabic Literature and Criticism). Her duties include the Coordinator of the Arabic Language and Islamic Studies Activity Department at the College (formerly) and the Coordinator of Information and Documentation at the Department; She also holds the position of Coordinator of Graduate Studies at the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies Internally..


  In 2006, I was appointed as a lecturer at the Qasr Bin Ghashir College of Education. I started teaching modern and contemporary Arabic literature and criticism. Then I moved to the Tripoli College of Education in 2008, where I taught all subjects of ancient Arabic literature (pre-Islamic, Umayyad, Abbasid, successive states, and Andalusian literature), modern literature, poetry and prose, ancient and modern Arabic criticism, comparative literature, an introduction to rhetoric and stylistics, and a general Arabic language subject.

Research Interests

 I have prepared research since 2012 until now and have publishe

them in peer-reviewed scientific journals (Journal of the College of Education - Journal of the Clear Tongue - College Journal Literature - Al-Sarraj Al-Munir Magazine - Al-Qurtas Magazine) which are: 1- An interactive literature between digital and paper 2022 2- The semiotics of the title in the novel Whispering the Windows by the Jordanian writer Samir Al-Sharif 2022 3- Intentionality of the title in the poepublished them in peer-reviewed scientific journals (Journal of the College of Education - Journal of the Clear Tongue - College Journal Literature - Al-Sarraj Al-Munir Magazine - Al-Qurtas Magazine) which are: 1- An interactive literature between digital and paper 2022 2- The semiotics of the title in the novel Whispering the Windows by the Jordanian writer Samir Al-Sharif 2022 3- Intentionality of the title in the poem Theater of Shadows by the poet Reda Gibran 2018 4- Essence and space-time in a poem from the inspiration of the eighty by the poet Abdul Mawla Al-Baghdadi 2017 5- The dialectic of reality and expectation in the poetry of Aisha Idris al-Maghribi 2016 6- The narrator in the novel I will proceed by the Iraqi storyteller Salih Khalfawi 2016 7- The political assassination between Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and The Puppet Novel by Ibrahim Al-Koni 2012 I have two published books (The Avatar in Modern Arabic Poetry - Employing the Legend in Contemporary Arabic Novel) them in peer-reviewed scientific journals (Journal of the College of Education - Journal of the Clear Tongue - College Journal Literature - Al-Sarraj Al-Munir Magazine - Al-Qurtas Magazine) which are: 1- An interactive literature between digital and paper 2022 2- The semiotics of the title in the novel Whispering the Windows by the Jordanian writer Samir Al-Sharif 2022 3- Intentionality of the title in the poepublished them in peer-reviewed scientific journals (Journal of the College of Education - Journal of the Clear Tongue - College Journal Literature - Al-Sarraj Al-Munir Magazine - Al-Qurtas Magazine) which are: 1- An interactive literature between digital and paper 2022 2- The semiotics of the title in the novel Whispering the Windows by the Jordanian writer Samir Al-Sharif 2022 3- Intentionality of the title in the poem Theater of Shadows by the poet Reda Gibran 2018 4- Essence and space-time in a poem from the inspiration of the eighty by the poet Abdul Mawla Al-Baghdadi 2017 5- The dialectic of reality and expectation in the poetry of Aisha Idris al-Maghribi 2016 6- The narrator in the novel I will proceed by the Iraqi storyteller Salih Khalfawi 2016 7- The political assassination between Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and The Puppet Novel by Ibrahim Al-Koni 2012 I have two published books (The Avatar in Modern Arabic Poetry - Employing the Legend in Contemporary Arabic Novel)

External Activities

I supervise master's theses for the Faculties of Arts and Languages at the University of Tripoli. I lecture to PhD students at the Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli. I lecture to master's students at the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli I contributed to the arbitration of research in local international conferences (University of Tripoli - University of Sabratha - Association of Education Sciences), and I was also assigned a confidential evaluation of master's theses.


Journal Article

د. نجاة عمار الهمالي (1-2016)
مجلة السراج المنير, 3(2016)
د. نجاة عمار الهمالي (1-2016)
مجلة كلية التربية\ طرابلس, 10(2016)
د. نجاة عمار الهمالي (1-2017)
مجلة اللسان المبين كلية الآداب قسم اللغة العربية, 12(2017)
د. نجاة عمار الهمالي (1-2018)
كلية الآداب - جامعة طرابلس, 1(2018)
نجاة عمار الهمالي (12-2020)
جامعة طرابلس, 1(1), الصفحات 20-0


د. نجاة عمار الهمالي (1-2018)
صحيفة رأي اليوم الإلكترونية, 1(2018)