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Prof. Hakim Abdelgader

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Engineering



All since 2020


Hakim S. Abdelgader - is a Full Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya. He received his MSc and Ph.D. degrees in 1990 and 1996 respectively from Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland. His research interests include pre-placed aggregate concrete, self-consolidating concrete, concrete with recycled materials, utilization of pozzolanic materials, underwater concreting, concrete durability, and concrete casting in fabric forms. He has authored or co-authored over 80 professional technical papers and reports. He was been involved in organization of several International Conferences and member of Scientific Committees. He is a associate member and voting member of American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 221, Aggregates; 237, Self-Consolidating Concrete; 304, Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete; 444, Structural Health Monitoring and Instrumentation; and 555, Concrete with Recycled Materials. He is an Editorial Board member of more than four academic Journals. He is reviewer and contributor to ACI, Construction & Building Materials and Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE). Prof. Abdelgader was elected fellow of ACI in 2019.

He has been a keynote speaker at several international conferences in North America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Japan, Iran, and India. 


2018-2021       Visiting Professor at Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk, Poland 

2020                Visiting Professor at Lublin University of Technology, Lublin University of Technology Doctoral School, Lublin, Poland 

2008                Visiting Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, In the City of New York, USA.


2005-Present   Full  Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya.

2003-2005       Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya. Chair of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Tripoli University.

2003 May       Research Associate and Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA.

2001                Co advisor MSC and Ph. D. at Engineering School, Sfax, Tunisia.

1996-2002       Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland. 

Research Interests


1.      Concrete mix design.

2.      Recycled materials for concrete production.

3.      Optimization of chemical admixtures and supplementary cementitous materials and fillers for concrete.

4.      Microstructure of cement-based materials.

5.      Concrete elements cast in fabric forms.

6.      Two-stage concrete (Pre-placed aggregate concrete) technology and its practical applications.

7.      Concrete repair.

8.      Durability.

9.      Self compacting concrete, High-Performance Concrete.

10.  Fiber reinforcement.11.  Underwater Concreting.

External Activities


1.      Voting member of American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 221 Aggregates.

2.      Voting member of the committee (ACI), 304 Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing of  Concrete.

3.      Associate member of committee (ACI), 444 Experimental Analysis for Concrete Structures.

4.      Associate member of committee (ACI) 555 Concrete with Recycled Materials.

5.      Associate Members of committee (ACI) 237 Self-Consolidating Concrete.

6.      Editorial Board-Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures « JMES

7.      Reviewer of several Journals (ACI Materials & Structural, Cement & Concrete Research ,Construction & Building Materials and Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE).

He was invited keynote speaker in several International Conferences (North America, Europe, Africa, Iran, India, Middle East, China and Japan). He also was been involved in organization of several International Conferences and member of Scientific Committees


Conference paper

Hakim S. Abdelgader (10-2015)
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd, pp. 1-10
, Hakim Salem Abdelgader Abdelgader , Ahmed Ben-Zeitun, Abdullah Farag Mohamed Saud, Abdurrahman Ahmed T. Elgalhud (11-2006)
جامعة طرابلس
Hakim Salem Abdelgader Abdelgader , Ahmed E Ben-Zeitun, Abdurrahman Ahmed T. Abdurrahman Elgalhud (1-2007)
Hakim Salem Abdelgader Abdelgader , Ahmed E Ben-Zeitun, Abdurrahman Ahmed T. Abdurrahman Elgalhud (1-2006)

Journal Article

Hakim S. Abdelgader (1-2021)
International Journal of Civil Engineering
Hakim S. Abdelgader (7-2020)
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32(2020), pp. 1-10
Hakim S. Abdelgader (7-2018)
Concrete International, pp. 36-40
Hakim S. Abdelgader (5-2019)
Magazine of Civil Engineering, pp. 26-38
Hakim S. Abdelgader (12-2020)
Construction and Building Materials, 263(2020), pp. 1-17
Hakim S. Abdelgader (12-2020)
BAU Journal - Science and Technology, 1(2020), pp. 1-13
Hakim S. Abdelgader (2-2021)
Structures , 29(2021), pp. 1-13
Hakim S. Abdelgader (10-2020)
Environments, 7(2020), pp. 2-14
Hakim S. Abdelgader (6-2020)
Beirut Arab University: BAU, 1(2020), pp. 1-9
Hakim S. Abdelgader (3-2019)
Materiały Budowlane, 3(2019), pp. 2-4
Hakim S. Abdelgader (7-2019)
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pp. 8545-8555
Hakim S. Abdelgader (3-2019)
Concrete Plant Precast Technology - BFT International, pp. 48-57
Hakim S. Abdelgader (3-2018)
Concrete Plant Precast Technology - BFT International, pp. 48-57
حكيم سالم عبدالقادر السموعي (3-2021)
مجلة البحوث الهندسية, 31(2021), الصفحات 1-15
Hakim S. Abdelgader (9-2021)
Construction and Building Materials, 298(0), pp. 1-26
Hakim S. Abdelgader (1-2022)
Journal of Building Engineering , 45(2022), pp. 1-34
Hakim S. Abdelgader (2-2022)
Construction and Building Materials, 319(0), pp. 1-24
Hakim S. Abdelgader (1-2022)
Materials Today: Proceedings, pp. 1-7
Hakim S. Abdelgader (6-2022)
Case Studies in Construction Materials, 16(0), pp. 1-29
Hakim S. Abdelgader (4-2022)
Materials, pp. 1-46
Hakim S. Abdelgader (5-2022)
Construction and Building Materials, 341(0), pp. 1-32
Hakim S. Abdelgader (10-2022)
Construction and Building Materials, 17(352), pp. 1-34
Hakim S. Abdelgader (8-2003)
American Society of Civil Engineers, 4(15), pp. 329-334
Hakim S. Abdelgader (1-2010)
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, pp. 127-132
Hakim S. Abdelgader (8-2015)
Materiały budowlane, pp. 66-68
Hakim S. Abdelgader (4-2013), pp. 34-41
Hakim S. Abdelgader (12-2022)
BAU Journal - Science and Technology, 1(4), pp. 1-11
Hakim S. Abdelgader (3-1999)
Cement and Concrete Research , 3(29), pp. 332-337
Hakim S. Abdelgader (12-1996)
Magazine of Concrete Research, 177(48), pp. 353-360
Hakim S. Abdelgader (8-2002)
Magazine of Concrete Research, 4(54), pp. 251-255
Hakim S. Abdelgader (9-2010)
fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete, 3(11), pp. 161-165
Hakim S. Abdelgader (9-2008)
fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete, 3(9), pp. 163-170
Hakim S. Abdelgader (3-2007)
fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete, 1(8), pp. 17-23
Hakim. S. Abdelgader (12-2004)
fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete, 4(5), pp. 173-177
Hakim S. Abdelgader (8-2016)
Materialy Budowlane, 8(528), pp. 129-131
Hakim S. Abdelgader (4-2014)
Concrete Plant Precast Technology - BFT International
Hakim S. Abdelgader (1-2014)
Concrete Plant International, pp. 70-78
Hakim S. Abdelgader (2-2012)
Concrete Plant International, pp. 68-73
Abdurrahman Ahmed T. Abdurrahman Elgalhud, Hakim Salem Abdelgader Abdelgader (9-2008)
, 9(3), pp. 163-170
Hakim S. Abdelgader (8-2023)
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1-22
Hakim Salem Abdelgader Abdelgader (6-2024)
Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 1-22
Hakim S. Abdelgader (11-2024)
Scientific Reports, 29396(2024), pp. 1-15
Hakim S. Abdelgader (2-2025)
Scientific Reports, 6943(15), pp. 1-11

Book Chapter

Hakim S. Abdelgader (1-2022)
Elsevier, pp. 451-479

Technical Report

Hakim S. Abdelgader (12-2020)
American Concrete Institute , pp. 1-8
Hakim S. Abdelgader (4-2020)
American Concrete Institute , pp. 1-20
Hakim S. Abdelgader (1-2019)
American Concrete Institute , pp. 1-22
Hakim S. Abdelgader (10-2017)
American Concrete Institute , pp. 1-24


Hakim S. Abdelgader (3-2020)
American Concrete Institute , 3(42), pp. 23-29