فتح باب الترشح المبدئى لمجموعة 6 منح تبادلية بجامعة (ريجا) ولمدة فصل دراسي لسنة 2021

فى اطار تنفيذ الاتفاق المبرم بين جامعتى طرابلس وجامعة Riga Technical بجمهورية لاتفيا ضمن برنامج ايراسموس+،

يعلمكم مكتب التعاون الدولى بجامعة طرابلس عن فتح باب الترشح لمجموعة 6 منح تبادلية بين الجامعتين ولمدة من فصل دراسي لفصلين دراسيين لسنة 2021 .

عليه نأمل من طلابنا الاعزاء بالمرحلة الجامعية والدراسات العليا (الماجستير) والذين تنطبق عليهم الشروط المبادرة بالستجيل واستيفاء البيانات علما بأن هذه المنحة تنافسية وسيقوم الطرف الثانى بعملية الاختيار النهائي.

رابط التسجيل المبدئي : 

أضغط هنا للتسجيل المبدئى

ترسل الوثائق  الداعمة على الايميل :


معلومات تفصيلية عن البرنامج والمطلوب للتسجيل :

The University of Tripoli puts agreements into effect, by partnering with Riga Technical University (RTU) Latvia, ERASMUS+.

The International Cooperation Office (ICO) at the University of Tripoli encourages students of the fields mentioned below to register for the scholarships offered by RTU within Erasmus+ Programme. Accepted students will spend a period of studies at Riga Technical University (RTU) for Bachelor and Master degrees. Please see the deadline of submitting documents below. The RTU will only accept 6 students from UoT.

Fields of Education and Training

Faculty of Architecture

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics

Faculty of E-Learning Technologies and Humanities

Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication

Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering


- Due to limited spots, only those students, whose main major is Business/Management/Economics, are eligible to choose courses from the Faculty of Engineering Economics;

- The courses from the Faculty of E-Learning Technologies and Humanities are available only to philology/translation major students;

- Bachelor students cannot choose master level study courses;

- There will be NO STUDY COURSES from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and field of Logistics.

Conditions and procedures

The candidate students must be enrolled at the University of Tripoli. The ICO will oversee the nomination process to ensure that the most qualified students for programme are nominated. The RTU will make the final selection of the ten students – UoT nominated students will be Skype-interviewed in English by RTU.

All applicants have to submit the following documents:

· Nomination letter from the Home University;

· A scanned copy of passport (the picture has to be clear);

Note! For visa purposes the applicant has to submit a full passport copy (including pages with information about previous visas, etc.)

· Transcript of records (In English);

Note! Transcript of records has to reflect that student has successfully completed all academic requirements at home university. Students with failed grades and, accordingly with academic debts at home university, will not be accepted as exchange students at Riga Technical University.

· An official English language proficiency confirmation, stating knowledge of at least level B2 according to CEFR;

· A Portfolio – if you are applying to the Faculty of Architecture;

Note! If you are applying to the Faculty of Architecture, your acceptance for exchange studies will depend on the evaluation of your portfolio and academic background. It is advisable that at the time of application, student is at least in 4th semester on a bachelor level studies, meaning – will have finished at least 2 years of studies in the field of architecture at the time of exchange.

· Create a provisional study plan based on the study courses (link will be provided).

Note! According to Erasmus+ rules, the chosen courses have to constitute at least 25 ECTS per semester. All selected courses have to be approved by the Home University and the student is obliged to pass all the courses at the end of the semester at RTU.

All documents in Arabic should be translated into English.

Supporting documents must be submitted to the International Cooperation Office at the University of Tripoli via icoscholarship@gmail.com .

The deadline for submission is 16-3-2021
