Digital Repository for Department of English Language

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Nisreen Mohammad Muamar Al-shredi (12-2024)
مجلة كلية اللغات, 30(2024), pp. 122-146.
ملاك فوزي هلال, نادية عبد الرحمن ابوبكر نصير (6-2024)
جامعة طرابلس, 19(1), الصفحات 284-300.
Nisreen Al-shredi (12-2023)
Faculty of Languages Journal , 28(28), pp. 168-189.
Hana Balhouq, Hamza Elthelb (11-2023)
International Journal of Linguistics and Translation, 6(12), pp. 53-60.
Nisreen Al-shredi (9-2023)
International Journal of Linguistics and Translation Studie, 4(4), pp. 16-33.