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  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Social Work
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Hamida Abu Hammadi is one of the faculty members in the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Arts, Languages, Mrs. Hamida Abu Hammadi works in Tripoli and her degree is a professor since -30024-03-30 She has many scientific publications in her field of specialization The roles she held, including the coordinator of study and examinations in the Department of Social Work, Al-Sawani branch, from 2007 to 2019, the coordinator of the Social Service Department, Al-Sawani branch, from 2020 to 2021, and the director of the Community Service and Environmental Office at the Faculty of Arts from 2019 to 2023 Member of the Scientific Committee for Graduate Studies in the Service Department Social since 2023To the present, PhD Coordinator of the Department of Social Work 2024


eudw hayyat tadris biqism alkhidmat alaijtimaeiat bikuliyat aladab wallughat tarabulus min 2006- alwaqt alhalii / taqaladat mansib mudir maktab khidmat almujtamae yakliat aladab wallughat tarabulus min 2019- 2023 taqaladat mansib munasiq aldirasat walaimtihanat biqism alkhidmat alaijtimaeiat alsiwanii min 2006 hataa 2019 / wataqaladat mansib munasiq alkhidmat alaijtimaeiat alsiwania mundh 2020 ali 2021 eudw lajnat aleilmiat bialdirasat aleulya biqism alkhidmat alaijtimaeiat mundh 2023 'iilaa alwaqt alhalii , munasiq aldukturah biqism alkhidmat alaijtimaeiat 2024

Research Interests

  1. General specialization social service and my exact specialization Special groups and interested in special groups (people with disabilities) in various segments and scientific research methods / The fields are all areas of social service such as the field of family and the field of childhood and the field of youth and the field of the elderly and the field of school and the field of the environment and the medical field to ....... etc. is also interested in psychological and social counselingFor activities outside the university:

External Activities


Participation in a workshop with a specialized team entitled (Behavior Management) to train teachers in the field of teaching special groups in Tripoli from 1-6/8/2009.

Participation in the work of the training course on planning, management and evaluation of social and family activities, which was held under the supervision of the League of Arab States and in cooperation with the former People's Committee for Social Affairs in Libya from 1-5/2/2009 in Tripoli.

• Participation in the program prepared by the Libyan Down Syndrome Association for families of children with Down syndrome with the participation of experts from some European countries as an assistant facilitator.

• Participation in the workshop prepared by the Libyan Down Syndrome Association for children with Down syndrome on the occasion of the celebration of the World Down Syndrome Day under the title (Our rights are guaranteed in the new Libya) on Thursday and Friday 20/21/3/2013.

• Participation in the workshop prepared by the Social Solidarity Fund, Al-Jafara branch, under the title (Methods of dealing with people with mental disabilities) for assistants, educators and social workers in centers with disabilities in the period from 5-10/11/2016.

• Participation in the workshop on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, which was held in the local women's prison, where she participated in facilitating the session and covering the psychological and social aspect of female prisoners 2020.

• Participation in the training workshop for social workers prepared by the Center for Social Studies to raise the competencies of researchers under the slogan We understand your needs 2020.

• Participation in the training workshop on the phenomenon of begging among children in Libyan society with graduate students in the field training course 2022.

Participation in the training course for social workers, psychological counselors and teachers Mental health awareness program in schools at the Tripoli Clarification Center 2022 sponsored by the World Health Organization Group H

• Participation in the training course for social workers, psychological counselors and teachers, the awareness program on mental health in schools at the Tripoli Clarification Center 2022, sponsored by the World Health Organization, the fourteenth group.


• Giving lectures to mothers of children with Down syndrome, which is held every month at the Libyan Down Syndrome Association.

• Delivering two lectures in the course of preparing the main trainer for the first special categories under the title (early intervention) and the second under the title (preparing the student for integration) Benghazi, Libya in the period from 2-3/8/2010.

• Giving a lecture to mothers of children with special needs in social solidarity under the title (characteristics of children with special needs) in Tripoli 2010.

• Giving a lecture to social and psychological specialists under the title (The Role of the Social Worker in the Medical Field) in Tripoli at Zawiya Street Hospital on 3/10/2012.

• Giving a lecture to social and psychological specialists under the title (Towards creating a creative psychological and social worker) in the city of Zawiya, Libya on 16-20/12/2012.

• Delivering two lectures in the training course for teachers enrolled in integration programs for special groups, the first under the title (individual educational program) and the second under the title (preparing the student for integration) in the city of Ajeilat Libya on 29/12/2012 under the slogan "We learn to provide the best".

• Giving a lecture at the seminar held at the Ishbiliyah Center for People with Special Needs on the role of the social worker in dealing with people with disabilities in Al-Sawani bin Adam area on Sunday, 3/2/2013.

• Giving a lecture to mothers of children with Down syndrome under the title (Psychological reactions of mothers when they have a child with Down syndrome) in Tripoli 2013.

• Giving a lecture at the scientific symposium on autism disorder organized by the Department of Education and Psychology at Zawiya University under the title (Social Support for Families of Autistic Children) in Zawiya 2018.

• Giving a lecture in celebration of the World Down Syndrome Day, organized by the Libyan Down Syndrome Association, Al-Ajeilat work team, under the title (Social support for families with Down syndrome) in Al-Ajeilat 2018.

• Giving a lecture to breast cancer patients under the title (Social Adjustment for Breast Cancer Patients) at Tripoli Medical Hospital 2018 F.

• Giving a lecture to mothers with autistic children under the title (Strategies for dealing with families of autistic children) in Al-Sawani bin Adam area on Monday and Wednesday 2018.

• A lecture for parents of autistic children entitled Psychological and social pressures for families of autistic children and methods of confronting them at Al-Sawani Center for Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities 2019.

• Giving a lecture to mothers with autistic children under the title (Strategies for dealing with families of autistic children) in Al-Sawani bin Adam area on Monday and Wednesday 2018.

• A lecture for parents of autistic children entitled Psychological and social pressures for families of autistic children and methods of confronting them at Al-Sawani Center for Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities 2019.

• Giving a lecture to the employees of the Andalusian Center under the title (Attitudes of Society towards People with Disabilities) in Tajoura 2020.

• Giving a lecture to mothers at the Tripoli Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Intellectual Disabilities under the title (Early intervention for children with Down syndrome) in Tripoli 2023.

• Participation in the dialogue seminar held by the Office of the Department of Family and Women Development at the Ministry of Social Affairs with a paper entitled (Violence against Women: Its Causes and Forms) at the Scout Theater in Tripoli on 6/12/2023.

Participation in the dialogue seminar held by the Office of the Department of Family and Women Development at the Ministry of Social Affairs with a paper entitled (Violence in children: its methods and treatment) at the Planetarium in Tripoli on 11/22/2023.

For external consultations: with Al-Sabeel Foundation on how to prepare a successful social worker inside prisons / with the Office of Social and Psychological Service and Psychological Support at the Ministry of Education on preparing a guide for social workers in educational institutions / with the Libyan Down Syndrome Association on preparing early intervention programs for mothers of children with Down syndrome.

Membership in scientific and social societies:

Member of the Libyan Down Syndrome Association since 2000 until now.

Social Affairs Officer at the Libyan Down Syndrome Association from 2013 to 2015.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Social Work, Categorical (B), University of Tripoli, formerly.

Founding member of the Libyan Association for Social Work and responsible for scientific affairs in the period from November 2017.

Member of Al-Sabeel Foundation for Charitable Work since 2018 – until now. Founding member of the Union of Faculty Members Sociology and Social Work in Libyan Universities since 2018 - until the present.

Member of the Committee for the Preparation of the Guide of Social Workers at the School Social Service Office at the Ministry of Education, Tripoli, 2019.

Member of the Committee for the Preparation of the Faculty Members Guide of the Faculty of Arts Tripoli 2019

Member of the Committee for the preparation of a guide at the Social Studies Center of the Ministry of Social Affairs 2020.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Reconciliation Conference, which was held at the Rixos Hotel under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Affairs, which was held on Wednesday and Thursday 30-1/7/2021.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the First International Conference (Humanities between Theory and Practice: Reality and Challenges), which was held at the Libyan Academy for Graduate Studies Janzour 2022

Member of the Libyan Association for Curricula and Teaching Strategies 2023.

Arbitration or evaluation of scientific conferences or journals: Evaluation of the scientific production of a faculty member in the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Benghazi for the purpose of promotion Assistant Professor on June 23, 2018

Evaluation of the scientific production of a faculty member in the Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Benghazi for the purpose of promotion Lecturer on 1/August/2018

Evaluation of the scientific production of a faculty member at the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli for the purpose of promotion to assistant professor 2019

Evaluation of four research papers at the First International Conference on Higher Education Outputs and Labor Market Requirements, Current Challenges and Future Prospects, which was held in Misurata 2021.

Evaluation of a research paper at the First International Conference for Educational Scientific Studies urging the slogan towards better educational sciences to achieve sustainable development, which was held in the city of Ubari on 11/11/2021.

Evaluation of three research papers at the Second International Conference on Social Work entitled Social Work and Community Issues Towards Contemporary Visions under the Slogan of Effective Professional Practice We Face Challenges, which was held in Benghazi on February 1, 2023

* A book entitled The effectiveness of a treatment program to alleviate the social and psychological problems of mothers of children who have Down syndrome at the Center for Social Studies. (PhD thesis production)

* The relationship of the presence of a child with Down syndrome in the family with the level of anxiety among mothers - University Journal of Zawiya University - Issue Fifteen 2013.

* Social Compatibility of Mothers with a Child with Down Syndrome - Journal of the Faculty of Education Bab Tajoura Issue Eight 2012

• School Social Work in the Libyan Arab Society - Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, Journal of Social Sciences 2013.

• The presence of a child with Down syndrome and its repercussions on family compatibility among mothers - Journal of the Faculty of Education, Bani Walid University, seventh issue (June) 2017

Early Intervention and Autistic Children - Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, Ministry of Culture and Society

• Children with disabilities and family life, a theoretical reading from the perspective of social work, Journal of Social Sciences, University of Tripoli, eleventh issue (June) 2017.     

• Family problems for families of autistic children, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, Issue 30 (December) 2017.

• Psychological and social pressures resulting from the Corona delinquency from the point of view of families of people with disabilities, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli - Journal of Social Sciences, special issue (social studies on the Corona pandemic), October 2020.

• Some social and psychological problems of the elderly in Libyan society: A field study applied to a sample of inmates of Dar Al-Wafa for the Care of the Elderly and the Elderly (Journal of Social Studies is a semi-annual scientific journal issued by the Center for Social Studies, fourth issue, March 2021)

• Teachers' attitudes towards the integration of monotheistic students in public schools: A study applied to teachers of autism integration in Tripoli, a research paper presented to the third scientific conference of the Faculty of Education Al-Ajilat under the title Better Education in the Faculties of Education, May 2021

• Some behavioral problems prevailing among autistic children from the point of view of mothers in light of some variables A semi-annual magazine issued by the Syndicate of Faculty Members of the University of Tripoli - Al-Ustad Magazine, Issue (22), Spring 2022

• Teachers' attitudes towards the role of the social worker at the Swani Martyrs Foundation for the Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities, Al-Asala Magazine, Issue (8), Volume (2), December 2023.

• Social and psychological compatibility of breast cancer patients in light of the Corona pandemic, a semi-annual refereed scientific journal issued by the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, issue (38), June 2023.

• Obstacles facing teachers of the integration of special groups in their performance of their professional role with people with sensory disabilities, an applied study in basic education schools in the municipality of Abu Salim in Tripoli Derna Academy Journal for Humanities Semi-annual refereed scientific journal, Volume One, First Issue, December 2023.  



Conference paper

حميدة علي محمد أبوحمادي (5-2021)
المؤتمر العلمي الثالث لكلية التربية العجيلات- جامعة الزاوية, الصفحات 192-204

Journal Article

د.حميدة علي محمد أبوحمادي , (5-2022)
مجلة الاستاذ نقابة أعضاء هيئة التدريس جامعة طرابلس, 22(0), الصفحات 88-108
حميدة علي محمد أبوحمادي (6-2017)
مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية, 11(0), الصفحات 59-84
حميدة علي محمد أبوحمادي (9-2017)
جامعة طرابلس, 30(0), الصفحات 139-162
حميدة علي محمد أبوحمادي (5-2017)
مجلة المعرفة, 7(0), الصفحات 27-57
حميدة علي محمد أبوحمادي (1-2020)
دراسات اجتماعية -كلية الاداب - جامعة طرابلس, الصفحات 109-139
حميدة علي محمد أبوحمادي (12-2017)
مجلة بحوث العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية, 4(0), الصفحات 126-151