Bachelor in Painting

University of Tripoli - Department of Fine and Applied arts



Drawing and painting is one of the academic programs in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, College of Arts and Media. The program is concerned with studying all the constituent elements of the artwork, such as perspective studies of its various types, color studies, and special techniques for all types, such as oil, watercolor, and pastel colors, in addition to studying other techniques such as charcoal or pencil, and others. The drawing and painting program also focuses on developing the student's creative abilities through the integration of the painting specialization program, which contains a lot of theoretical studies and training hours that enable the student to keep pace with technical and artistic development.


Academic standards

  • The ability to practice artistic and creative functions related to the production and implementation of artwork in the field of drawing and painting.
  • It qualifies the student to work in the field of multi-media drawing and photography and branches related to different fields.
  • The student acquires the skills of dealing with raw materials and the foundations of implementing an artistic painting at the academic level.
  • The student's ability to mix between scientific applications and theoretical studies in the field of drawing and painting is activated.
  • Activating the process of scientific research and creating a new artistic style in the field of plastic art.
  • The student acquires the skills of dealing with raw materials and the foundations of implementing an artistic painting at the academic level.
  • It qualifies the student to get acquainted with the fields of modern and contemporary society in order to highlight and achieve the visual cultural identity.
(Knowledge & understand) Knowledge and understanding

  •   Through his studies in the program, the student acquires many cognitive and scientific skills that make him qualified and able to meet the needs of the labor market in the field of specialization.
  • Learn about plastic art schools, their most important activities, and their most famous artists.
  • Able to understand artistic critical analysis and read the visual plastic language.
  • Familiar with knowledge and understanding of artistic history and plastic art movements through the ages.

  (Generic and transferable skills)

  • Taking responsibility and being able to manage time and lead a team
  • The ability to develop independent skills in learning independently of the educational context
  • The ability to communicate, communicate, cooperate with others, and gain the advantage of working within a team.
  • The ability to use modern technical means.
  • The ability to conduct individual and group field visits.


  • The ability to practice artistic and creative functions related to the production and implementation of artwork in the field of drawing and painting.
  • It qualifies the student to work in the field of multi-media drawing and photography and branches related to different fields.
  • The student acquires the skills of dealing with raw materials and the foundations of implementing an artistic painting at the academic level.
  • The student's ability to mix between scientific applications and theoretical studies in the field of drawing and painting is activated.
  • Activating the process of scientific research and creating a new artistic style in the field of plastic art.
  • The student acquires the skills of dealing with raw materials and the foundations of implementing an artistic painting at the academic level.
  • It qualifies the student to get acquainted with the fields of modern and contemporary society in order to highlight and achieve the visual cultural identity.
(Knowledge & understand) Knowledge and understanding
  •   Through his studies in the program, the student acquires many cognitive and scientific skills that make him qualified and able to meet the needs of the labor market in the field of specialization.
  • Learn about plastic art schools, their most important activities, and their most famous artists.
  • Able to understand artistic critical analysis and read the visual plastic language.
  • Familiar with knowledge and understanding of artistic history and plastic art movements through the ages.
  (Generic and transferable skills)
  • Taking responsibility and being able to manage time and lead a team
  • The ability to develop independent skills in learning independently of the educational context
  • The ability to communicate, communicate, cooperate with others, and gain the advantage of working within a team.
  • The ability to use modern technical means.
  • The ability to conduct individual and group field visits.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Fine and Applied Arts

Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have obtained a high school diploma with a rate of no less than (65%), sixty-five percent of the total marks in all departments, provided that the prescribed entrance exams are taken.
  • To be able to pursue studies in his desired major.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Painting prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Painting. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 133 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 116 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AFA 123 The foundations of design 02 General +

AFA 131 Engineering drawing 02 General +

The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

GS121 02 University requirement +

AFA122 free drawing 02 General +

The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

GS122 02 General +

GS123 E 02 University requirement +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
VSA132 Photography 1 03 General +

GS 224 A 02 University requirement +

AFA229 general photography 02 General +

The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

GS225 02 General +

AFA 224 02 not defined +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AFA226 technical terminology 02 General +

DV201 technical anatomy1 03 Compulsory +

The artistic anatomy course is one of the compulsory courses within the specialty of drawing and painting. Through it, the student acquires the skill in drawing the skeletal structure of the human body from the top of the head to the foot. He also learns about the general form of the skeletal system of the human body, knowing the golden ratios and stages of development of the structure of the human body, and knowing The effect of bone shape on the external surfaces of the human body and clarifying the difference between the skeletal system between men and women.

DV204 Water Panting 03 Compulsory +

DV206 Portrait drawing 03 Compulsory +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AFA323 History of medieval art 02 General AFA227 +

This course is considered one of the general academic courses that the student should study within the study plan of the art education program, and it is part of the courses that cover the historical stages of the development of the arts. Through this course, the student will be able to understand the technical terms related to this course, and the student will be able to distinguish between the arts of this era and other eras in the field of arts and architecture. Influential economic studies in the eras that followed the Middle Ages, such as the Gothic period, and the Romanesque arts, with a study of all types of arts and the architecture of palaces, buildings, and churches built in that historical period.

DV202 Technical anatomy 03 Compulsory +

DV2044 Technical composition 1 03 Compulsory +

DV207 Photographing murals 03 Elective +

DV314 2 (Still Life) 03 Compulsory +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DV208 03 Compulsory +

DV317 Silence natural oil pic 1 03 Compulsory +

DV216 landscape painting 1 03 Compulsory +

DV213 Technical composition 2 03 Compulsory +

AFA 226 Art Terms 02 General +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DV226 Drawing and painting techniques 03 Compulsory +

DV210 03 Compulsory +

AFA324 ART history in the Renaissance 02 General +

يهدف المقرر إلى تمكن الطالب من معرفة مايتعلق بكل المرحلة التاريخية

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DV223 Photographing murals 03 Compulsory +

DV229 Production and display management 03 Compulsory +

DV322 03 Compulsory +

DV324 Advanced Oil Painting 03 Compulsory +

DV427 techniqes of drawing 03 Compulsory +

CL427A Art criticism 02 General +

217 DP Landscape painting 03 Compulsory +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
DV212 03 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
03 not defined +