The role of the faculty member in guiding students in preserving the environment

Within the framework of advancing the educational process and contributing to environmental awareness, an interactive workshop was held today under the auspices of the Sociology Department and in coordination with the College’s Research and Consulting Department and in cooperation with the Community and Environmental Service Department, a workshop entitled

 (The role of the faculty member in guiding students in preserving the environment)

It was moderated by an elite group of faculty members in the Department of Sociology today, Monday, 3/20/2023, in the college theater at ten in the morning, where several topics were discussed, the most important of which are

_The role of the faculty member in guiding students to preserve the environment.

_Preserving the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

_The social and cultural environment aims to consolidate positive community awareness.

On the sidelines of this workshop, a simple celebration was held to coincide with Mother’s Day, and the college’s cleaning workers were honored.
