Horizon Europe 2021-2027

Horizon Europe 2021-2027 In pursuit of the College of Veterinary Medicine to pay attention to scientific research and encourage researchers by striving to provide the appropriate environment for scientific research in the college.

On Monday morning, 8/14/2022, scientific activities were held on "Horizon Europe - Libya (Horizon Europe 2021-2027)", which were held in the Ibn Al-Nafis Amphitheater at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - University of Tripoli, which began with welcoming words to the distinguished guests from both Dr. Osama Ragab Al-Waer, Head of the Department of Cultural Relations at the College, then Prof. Dr. Lutfi Musa Bin Ali, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Then the symposium opened with a speech by both Mr. Dr. Director of the International Cooperation Office at the University and Mr. Dr. Director of the Research and Consultation Center at the University

And that was in the presence of each of the brothers, members of the national focal points for the European Horizons Program, and a gathering of the faculty members of the college and from other colleges such as the College of Pharmacy, Agriculture, Science, Engineering and Medical Technology, some postgraduate students from various university faculties, some researchers and directors of research centers interested in scientific research in Libya, and he listened The honorable audience received clear explanations and useful information regarding enrollment and registration in the scientific research system launched by the Global Europe Horizons Group, and how to provide opportunities for obtaining the necessary funding for scientific research that is approved. The symposium lasted for four hours.

In conclusion, the attendees agreed to hold another meeting with a group of national contact points for the European Horizons Program to implement the mechanism of enrollment in this program, after forming research teams within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and unifying their efforts with the rest of the university's research teams so that they can join international researchers, obtain the necessary funding and participate on a larger level.

In conclusion, the attendees praised the good organization, stressing the success of the seminar, with distinction, hoping to repeat such seminars.


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    شكرا للاخوة الزملاء بمشاركتهم واثراهم النقاش العلمي حتي تعم الفائدة ونشكرا الاخوة نقاط الاتصال الوطنية للبرنامج والاخو المسؤلين علي الهيئة الوطنية للبحث العلمي علي اخدهم زمام المبادرة في توضيح الصورة الكاملة للبرنامج عبر اعضائها وخبرائها لكل الكليات والجامعات ووفقكم الله لما فيه صالح الاعمال د اسامة الواعر