مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية- قسم اللغة الإنجليزية-كلية اللغات

ستناقش بعون الله تعالى وقدرته يوم الأربعاء 22-6-2022 رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية و المقدمة من الطالبة: أميرة توفيق خليفة إبراهيم

وعنوانها: Designing an EST course for the Biology students at the Faculty of Education, Tripoli University

تصميم منهج لتدريس اللغة الإنجليزية للعلوم والتقنية لطلبة قسم الاحياء كلية التربية-جامعة طرابلس

وتتكون اللجنة من: 

1-د. سالم مدلل محمد علي مشرفاً

2-ا.د. منى أحمد قشوط ممتحناً داخلياً

د. محسن أبو بكر أحمد ممتحناً خارجياً

الملخص This research is an attempt to design an EST course for the Biology Department students, at the Faculty of Education – Tripoli University. The main purpose of the study is to design an EST course that will enable learners to use the language sufficiently in their studies and careers. The study takes a place at the Tripoli University-Faculty of Education-Biology & English Language Departments. The target population of this study are the students of Biology Department, and teachers; both language instructors and subject specialists. This study follows mixed method research design, where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were carried out. The quantitative data were collected through structured questionnaire designed for t learners. In the qualitative approach, a semi-structured interview was used to collect data from teachers. The results gained from the data analysis reveals that students and teachers are dissatisfied with the existing course, and that the course is irrelevant to learners’ specialist and needs. Further, all participants demand for a new EST course designed especially for them, where their needs and lacks are considered and seen as a priority.
