مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية- قسم اللغة الإنجليزية-كلية اللغات

نوقشت  يوم الخميس الماضي الموافق 16-6-2022 رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية و المقدمة من الطالب : عثمان حمزة أبوفارس الأجورني

وعنوانها Investigating the Methods and Approaches that are used to teach English at the Preparatory and secondary Schools in Msallata

وتتكون اللجنة من: 

 1-د. سالم مدلل محمد

2-د. الصادق محمد البوسيفي

3-د. فاطمة الشيباني أبوسرويل

الملخص- This thesis aimed at investigating the methods that are used at the preparatory and secondary schools in the city of Msallata. The study aims to: a) investigate the methods used by teachers to implement the curriculum they teach. b) find out whether these methods achieve the objectives suggested by the curriculum. c) find out how to overcome challenges that are encountered by teachers to apply the appropriate method. In addition, the study defines some concepts that are related to topic. It explores the traditional and recent methods. It also presents an overview of history of EL teaching in Libya. Furthermore, it discusses the difficulties that faced by teachers to implement the CLT curriculum. The study outlines the related studies which have been conducted locally and internationally. The target population of this study is EFL teachers at the preparatory and secondary schools in Msallata city. In addition, 93 subjects were participated from the two levels. The tool used in this study was the questionnaire instrument. After a thorough study, the researcher obtained information about the methods and the obstacles faced by teachers. The study results were analysed using SPSS program which showed findings in numbers and charts. The study found that majority of teachers at the preparatory and secondary schools use traditional methods specifically the GTM . On the other hand, they ignore the CLT method. The research revealed that there is mismatch between the practice of teachers and the objectives of the textbook. Moreover, the study revealed that teachers encounter problems affecting the implementation of the curriculum objectives. They lack of training courses, they also lack of sufficient time. Moreover, they lack of authentic materials such as labs, CD players. Large classes are another problem related to educational management. The results of the study are discussed and compared with some of the results that have been conducted in past. Thus, the study suggests some recommendations to be followed to improve the EL teaching.
