Digital Repository for Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

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- Demars, J., S. Rossignol, I. Netchine, K. S. Lee, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, L. Faivre, J. Weill, S. Odent, S. Azzi, P. Callier, J. Lucas, C. Dubourg, J. Andrieux, Y. Le Bouc, A. El-Osta , C. Gicquel (10-2011)
Human Mutation, 32(10), pp. 803-814.
Marwan Draid (8-2011)
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 64(1).
IMAD ABDURAHMAN MOHAMED BENLASHEHR, C. Repussard, J.-Y. Jouglar, D. Tardieu, P. Guerre (8-2011)
Poultry Science, 90(8), pp. 1671-1675.
Abdulgader Dhawi, Elazomi A, Jones M A, Lovell M A, Li H, Emes R D, Barrow P A (7-2011)
Elsevier, 1312334545(0).