faculty of Economy

Word Of the Dean faculty of Economy

In line with the vision of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science in achieving specialized scientific leadership in academic development and in building a knowledge society, the Faculty strives to be the pioneer at the local and regional levels in education, scientific research and community service. It centers its efforts on excellence in the field of economic and political education through the development of teaching methods. The Faculty constantly modernizes its curricula and develops new programs to keep pace with the labor market developments. This vision of the Faculty stands on a long record of graduates who have held high positions in the public and private sectors. The Faculty includes an elite of faculty members, and attracts the best high school graduates, as its programs are of great importance to the labor market.


What supports this vision even more is the fact that the Faculty includes many departments related to the labor market such as the Department of Economics, Department of Business Administration, Department of Accounting, Department of Marketing and E-commerce, Department of Financial Planning, Department of Finance and Banking, Department of Statistics and Econometrics. Each of these departments awards a bachelor's degree. In addition, the Faculty includes a number of master's programs such as Master of Business Administration, Master of Accounting, Master of Economics, Master of Finance and Banking, Master of Political Science. It qualifies hundreds of students who are greatly contributing to the community. The Faculty is heading towards creating PhD programs in its various specializations. At the present, one PhD program in Business Administration has been approved. The business administration program actually includes a number of students, and we look forward to open other programs shortly.


The Faculty of Economics and Political Science seeks to be a pioneer in academic work, the forefront of scientific research, and a distinguished center in economic and financial research. It serves all industrial and service fields in the Libyan state. It centers its efforts on excellence in the field of economic and political education through the development of teaching methods. The Faculty constantly modernizes its curricula and develops new programs to keep pace with the labor market developments.


The Faculty of Economics and Political Science works to prepare and qualify administrative, financial, economic and political leaders who are able to take responsibility in facing economic challenges and bringing about human development. It builds their capacities in conducting research and educating students to create a society that is capable of facing ongoing challenges.


The Faculty of Economics and Political Science aims at

·         Upgrading the educational process by developing teaching methods, updating methods to test students, updating curricula and providing the necessary materials and human capabilities according to a future vision that meets the needs of the labor market and its productive and service institutions.

·         Qualifying cadres that are specialized in the field of administrative, financial, economic and political sciences, cadres that are capable of undertaking administrative development and advancing state institutions to achieve their goals.

·         Organizing and holding seminars, conferences, scientific lectures and discussion groups aimed at deepening awareness, spreading culture and knowledge of modern administrative and economic concepts and values, and upgrading the level of scientific research in the Faculty in terms of both quantity and quality.

·         Strengthening relations between the Faculty and the scientific and research institutions interested in administrative and economic sciences inside and outside Libya and achieving integration and cooperation for the purpose of exchanging experiences, skills, knowledge and academic programs.

·         Directing attention of faculty members towards success and taking care of their scientific and intellectual production by printing books, researches and publications in the fields of administrative, economic and political sciences.

·         Practically developing programs to ensure quality and processes of internal and external evaluation.

·         Developing student services and support systems.

Diversifying the learning resources and making them available to students.


The Faculty of Economics and Political Science seeks to achieve its vision and mission according to a system of values ​​that define the identity of the Faculty as an educational institution that seeks to advance scientific research and strives to create a suitable environment for students. It offers programs that serve the society according to a system of values ​​that are compatible with our great Arab and Muslim society. This system includes a set of principles:


·         Justice and integrity: The Faculty is committed to the principles of social justice, equal opportunities and cultural diversity.

·         Honesty: Faculty members are committed to honesty, respect and code of ethics.

·         Transparency: The Faculty is committed to clarity in scientific and educational activities.

·         Effective decision-making process: The Faculty makes decisions and plans that are based on evidence and analysis. It adopts effective and efficient systems and procedures in this respect.

·         Quality: The Faculty standardizes its performance through the application of national standards in pursuit of excellence in teaching, learning and innovation.

·         Creativity: The Faculty creates an environment that stimulates creative thinking and innovative behavior.

·         Teamwork: The Faculty establishes a culture of teamwork collaboration.

Effective communication: It activates various communication policies and channels with all concerned groups, employees, students, and the local and international communities.

Organizational Structure for faculty of Economy

Facts about faculty of Economy

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



