Onycomycoses in Tripoli/Libya





Journal title

جامعة طرابلس


Vol. 5 No. 1


Ellabib MS
Zinab KM


Background: This is study was conducted to determine the chief agents of Onycomycoses in Tripoli/Libya. Specimens were collected over a one-year period for mycological investigations carried out on all nail specimens sent to the Mycology Laboratory, department of medical microbiology, college of medicine. Methods: In the period between Januarys 2021and December 2021, a total of 100 specimens from nails were collected from 100 clinically suspected cases with fungal infections. Direct microscopic examination using 40% potassium hydroxide and culture on both Sabouraud dextrose agar supplemented with chloramphenicol, with or without cycloheximide. Results: The fungi isolated included dermatophytes (n=18), yeasts (n=33), and Nondermatophyte filamentous fungi (n=5). Trichophyton mentagrophytes (n=7) was the most Prevalent, followed by Trichophyton rubrum (n=6). Candida species were also isolated, with Candida parapsilosis (n=17) being the most common, followed by Candida albicans (n=12). Other candida species, non dermatophytes mold and mixed fungal and bacterial involvement were less frequently associated with nail infections. Finger nail was most involved site (n=57) and toe nail (n=45). Conclusions: In this study, Onycomycoses infections were reported more commonly in female (n=68) than in male (n=32) patients. Candida species was the chief agent of finger nail infection in female than in male patients and tinea unguium was more prevalent in male with dermatophytes most causing agents. Keywords: Nail; Dermatophytes; Candida; KOH; Libya

