Thumb sucking, the harms to our children Health are more than just being a bad habit





Journal title

مجلة العلوم الشاملة


Vol. 2 No. 8


Eman Mohamed Naas


74 - 90


Oral bad habits are habits those frequently children acquire that may either temporarily or permanently be harmful to dental occlusion and to the supporting structures [1]. Aim and Objective: The purpose of this study is to focus on the teaching of parents and to explain to them the reasons for their children to resort to the habit and its effect on the cavity of the mouth and the general health of the body. Material and method: -The materials were collected for the study of the database, which reported all the information about causes of the finger sucking children, together with the data collected from the previous study and included all data related to the fingerprint material.The questionnaire includes questions distributed to schools and kindergartens in Tripoli city of Libya it was writing the questionnaire Arabic language mebeing a community speak language Arab∙ Come on his way quick to collect information and asked mothers of children who have sucking habit finger to answer them∙Questionnaires are very useful for getting the amount of lags of information in a short time. A good questionnaire should include a wide range of questions such as: gender, when a child usually practices finger sucking, at any time your baby usually practices finger sucking. Result: - The results showed questionnaires that the vast majority of participants have symptoms of the open bit, cross bit and change in the form of jaw and the emergence of lips and speech problems and some of them caused the habit of colic in the stomach due to germs and microbes and some of their stools are laxative. Conclusion: -We noticed that many parents do not have sufficient awareness of their thumb sulking. Early intervention thus prevents much damage. Key words: - Thumb sucking (TS),

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