Studies on Electrochemical Properties of Polycarbazole Prepared Via SelfSupport Polymerization a





Journal title


Vol. 1 No. 8


Lagili Otman abouderbala


12 - 24


Mixed glassy zirconium-tin phosphate , g-Zr0.64.Sn.0.36(HPO4)2.3H2O(g-ZrSnP), nano fibrous cerium phosphate, Ce(HPO4)2 2,9H2O(nCePf), and mixed glassy zirconium-tin phosphate / fibrous cerium phosphate nanocomposite membrane, [g-Zr0.64 Sn0.36 (HPO4)2]0.25 [Ce(HPO4)2]0.75 ..4.43H2O, were prepared and characterized. By chemical , x-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR), Zirconium tin mole ratio were estimated using (EDAX). Novel [g-Zr0.64 Sn0.36 (HPO4)2]0.25 [Ce(HPO4)2]0.75 / polycarbazole nanocomposite membrane was prepared via self-support polymerization of carbazole, that was promoted by the reduction of Ce(iv) phosphate present in the inorganic matrix. Possible explanation is nCePf present on the surface of the nanocomposite is attacked by carbazole, converted to cerium (III) orthophosphate(CePO4). The resultant polycarbazole was characterized by C,H,N analysis, SEM ,FT-IR. UV-Vis and electrical conductance measurements. From elemental (C,H,N) analysis, the amount of polycarbazole present in the composite found to be (2.15 % in wt.). Polycarbazole is considered as one of modern material used in solar cells, furthermore it has become an important material for optoelectronic applications in recent years. The dc conductivity of polycarbazole nanocomposite membrane at 280C (using RC-Circuit) found to be equal to 3x10-5 Scm-1 , range of semi-conductors. We suggest self-doping occurred on polymerization, which is due to H+ present in (O3POH)2 groups of [g-Zr0.64 Sn0.36 (HPO4)2]0.25. The electrochemistry of resultant polycarbazole in acetonitrile solution for a range of concentrations from 1.06 x10-4 to 2.19 x 10–3 mol dm-3 was carried out using CV techniques. Investigation of its electrochemical properties affords insight into the mechanisms for their oxidation and reduction, therefore provides the basis for evaluating the stabilities of the material and for designing novel polycarbazole-derived materials with desired properties as well as new devices. That will be discussed. Keywords: Zirconium-tin phosphate; Fibrous cerium phosphate; Polycarbazole; Electrical properties.

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